
一天我在到办公室的路上。backpack背着我的单反相机,手里拿着我的手机(Lesson 1),眼睛在四处寻找兴趣点(Lesson 2)。。。
就在我等着红灯过马路的时候,看到一个美女腿上有一个看似狗的刺青。红灯开始变绿灯,从背包里拿相机已经来不及(更重要的是会引起别人的注意),当机立断先启动手机拍摄功能,开始跟在后面拍,。。。(Lesson 3)

当我过完街,走在人行道上的时候,她的边上出现了一条狗 (Lesson 4),跟她大腿上的狗有相得益彰之妙。



"Excuse me"
She took off her plug-in headphone and smiled, which implied a high probability to shoot her.
"Your dog tattoo looks very interesting." "Thanks."
"Is that a picture of your dog?"  "No."
"Do you have a dog?"  "No."
"May I ask why you have this tattoo?" "Because I think it is interesting."
"May I take a photo WITHOUT exposing your face?" "Sure".
(Lesson 5)
She then paused and let me take two photos.




1. Have at least two photographing equipments with you, one should be in your hands ALL the time.
2. Keep searching for interesting subjects/spots like a predator looking for its prey
3. Shoot without delay (don't worry about composition et al) if you find one interesting scene
4. Keep shooting as new subject might jump into your frame unexpectedly
5. Take a chance on talking to the person you are shooting and you may get permit to shoot. Your request might be declined, which is OK; but it might also be granted, which allows a good shot. Furthermore, you will very often be amazed by those surprising answers from the other person.
Keep shooting!
Younginca 发表评论于
Thanks for leaving your comments. I did not imply any points as you suggested. BTW. Had she wanted to show off her tattoo, she would not have it on her thigh as it would not be exposed when ever she wears long pants.
ziming2009 发表评论于