我在美国做卧底的日子 - - - 8

"This,is, .... has nothing with my parents. please don't bother them." 结巴中用了很chinglish的方式冲口而出。.

这句话一说完,就注定我会继续被困在这滩浑水里,一错再错,我那时如果让爸妈给叫来,把事情经过说清楚,根本就不会有往后那些没完没了的破事. 但如果不是这样,我的前半生可能跟其他普通的移民学生一样,浑浑噩噩,去个不入流的大学念个烂大街的专业在公司里混两口饭吃而已。

Detective Coleman 两眼发亮,因为他终于找到我的弱点了 --- 就是我对父母孝顺和对家人有强烈的保护意识,事实证明他也轻而易举地让我乖乖就范了。他走到 Ms. Young 和 Ms.B 旁边,拉他们出去嘀咕了一会,然后进来叫那警察出去,就剩他和我两个人单独在房间里.

9. "Son (老外这样喊并不是因为我是他儿子,纯粹就是长辈对后辈的一种没有恶意的昵称), listen, i can see who you are, you try very hard to catch up at school and you did very well, i admire of that. and i believe you'll have a bright future. you are not one of them. you don't need to get yourself in such trouble. I know you were there just watching. and i don't want to disturb your parents either"

---- (我心想,他怎么知道?那群小混混说的?)

10. "now,i just need you to tell me everything you know about 李忠, what role was he playing in that group?" 他继续问.

--- "honestly i don't know much about him. we are schoolmates, and we are co-workers after school."

11. "did he ever offer you any cigarette? weed? any drug at all?"

--- "no, he knows i don't smoke"

12. "did you know or ever witness him taking any drug?

--- "no, i only saw him smoking cigarette after school. by the way, how did you know i were there just watching yesterday?"

13. "i am not sure about that, but you just confirm my assumption."

---- 靠, 上当了,果然是老练的家伙。 "i didn't admit anything, it was just a question."

14. "fair enough, but that;s not important. i don't give a shit about you guys kid fight. but i will give you some time. and we will talk again later."

---- " 等等, 给我点时间是什么意思? 还有什么要谈的?“


Gang Task Force of the Investigations Bureau, 就是类似于国内的反黑部门,专门对付帮派或者黑社会案件的。

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