香槟色蕾丝领的冷色调装饰 A 1/3 puple stoned collar

I would like to present some craft projects of my own.
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想看看这个香槟色的蕾丝领边配上紫色水钻的效果。动手以后,很快114颗水钻用完了。幸好做别的项目(参照另一个贴)需要很多蓝色色系的水钻。拿过来,贴好。效果你们还满意吗? I would like to "stoned" this collar with puple stones. After using up 144 stones, I need to add additional couple of hundreds of stones of blue shade. It does not look bad, right? It does look better in person.

1. 一个角度看看   One angle

2. 细节看一下, Details at close-up

3. After adding the necklace ribbon, completed item under the sun.

4. The ribbon can be taken off and replaced with a chain.

5. Sideview
