男士领带的加工--Dancesport Tie: Tulips

I would like to present some craft projects of my own.
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为了陪那一条深粉色舞裙,特意制作了相配的领带。买的"一拉得",哈哈。相信我,在换服装的过程中,没有人有功夫去打领带。选的郁金香花的样子。一开始我还想找个模板往上贴水钻,后来干脆用胶水笔画出线条,直接往上粘了。效果还不错。反正已经送给人了,仅有图片做纪念了。还好吧,不是特别女气吧? This is the first time I stoned a tie for dance. I choosed the tulip pattern because I want it to match a fuchsia latin dance skirt, with the fear that men will think the tie too girly. What the heck, I would make it anyway. I choosed blue shaded color stone mostly, in a hope that the overall tone is more on the cool side.

1. A navy blue zip-up tie. Believe me, no one has the time to tie a real tie.

2. Details

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