Scott Jurek - 吃和跑 <Eat & Run>

Allow this moment to be exactly as it is; Allow yourself to be exactly as you are. 此时此刻是我的一切所有。
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第二遍读这本书。不夸张地说,它改变了我的生活, 改变了我的吃,我的身体,跑步运动, 改变了我的对生活的认识和态度。


We had trails and the fresh air and a little water and food and our fit bodies to move through and with the land. That was all we needed. Seeing Kyle and Tony so happy reminded me that that was all I ever needed, all any of us needed.

How had I drifted away from those simple joys? I wanted to regain the purity and gratitude ... I wanted to run with the wide eyes of a novice again, with the passion and freedom of someone from whom nothing is expected.

I wanted to be a dirt bag. I wanted to camp out, to drive where I wanted. I wanted not worry about ... I wanted to keep running, to live in the moment, to explore my limits - but I wanted to do so with no obligations.

我想做一个自由的灵魂,我想在山巅和山谷里野营,去任何我想去的地方。我要抛开我的忧虑,我要一直跑下去,活在现在的每时每刻,发掘我的极限 - 我做只是因为我想做。