Cindy & Thomas\'s 婚礼

在我的人生海洋里,有风浪涌,有波涛惊,有蔚蓝美;更有我不断学习用感恩的心如何去爱人,去接纳人。因为他们都是我人生最宝贵的财富,和生活的动力。在光与影的瞬息万变中去捕捉身边的人和人们所发生的点点滴滴, 人生的意义就在每一个美丽动人的瞬间。凡事包容. 凡事相信
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We had a great time with this sweet couple Cindy Freeihao Hao & Thomas Cheswick for their wedding pictures. I'm so exciting share those photos with them.

Thanks for Pro Makeup by: Ching Ju Yang & Sherry. and my camera assistant Winston Hsiung.
—  Thomas Cheswick at Hilton San Francisco Union Square
