当时的学生领袖们和他们背后的恶意反华势力才是真正的罪人,而且应该是最大的罪人。是他们明知不可为而极力为之,导致那么多人失去生命。撕了被绑架的学生和民众的肉票。就好比,他被持刀歹徒追杀过程中,明知自己不妥协,歹徒就会杀人,他却绑架同情帮助他的人们去抵挡歹徒的刀枪,自己却乘机逃生。如果不是他绑架这些支持同情者,那些人不会失去生命。如果他们选择适当的让步,我相信歹徒没有必要冒着被判死刑的风险而杀人。难道大家只认为是歹徒才是罪人吗?大家不认为这个召集人也罪大恶极吗? 最无辜的,是一直被这些学生领袖们鼓动着要坚持战斗到最后一分钟的、失去了生命的人们。
我哀悼那些无辜的亡者!相信中国的民主会不断的进步,相信中国和中国人民会不断的富强。他们的血不会白流的。 我谴责那些无耻的所谓“民运领袖”。他们才是最恶毒的凶手!他们必须为他们自己的所作所为向死难的人们请罪认罪!
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts,but with facts.
Remembering the Student Democracy movement in 1989, different people may have different opinions about the roles of the students, of the participants, of the government officials, etc.
I remember one comment in Chicago Tribune at the time to characterize student organization during the movement in Beijing. Not the exact words, but to the fact that in the square, facing the forbidden city where the Government located, students had quickly set up the tent city that resembles that in the forbidden city.
I also remember a CNN Interview with Cuban Leader Castro. When asked about the event unfolding in Beijing and pressed on how he would see the student movement, Castro said: "I see a similar crowd of students in Tienanmen Square some thirty years ago...". I heard him referring to the students in Tienanmen Square during the cultural revolution.
Although student leaders had their mistakes (mirroring that of the government in Forbidden City, and not so 'Democratic'), thus responsible in contributing things happened in June, the government at the time should be held responsible for what followed that movement. The government should answer to the people, and answer to that part of Chinese history.