2014诺贝尔医学生物奖获得者:Randy Schekman 说:
How journals like Nature, Cell and Science are damaging science?
9$ 发表评论于
If your Math of differential geometry is good enough, please read the following paper which is more and more popular now as your resource ADSABS shows:
9$ 发表评论于
June 5, 2014
Title: An Initiative in Galactic Thermodynamics, ApJ95598
Dear Dr. :
We have now completed our review of your manuscript, and I regret to tell you that we are not able to undertake further consideration of your submission for publication in the The Astrophysical Journal.
We do not usually publish papers on alternate theories of gravity. It is well understood that one can explain flat rotation curves in galaxies either by introducing dark matter or by modifying Newtonian gravity. The latter is only interesting at this time if one can show that a modified field equation for gravity can reproduce the standard tests of GR and give interesting differences for astrophysical applications. This is quite challenging, and is far more ambitious than what you have done here.
Ethan T. Vishniac
The Astrophysical Journal
University of Saskatchewan
9$ 发表评论于
The Astrophysical Journal
里面充满着:黑洞,引力瘫宿,暗物质,暗能量,大爆炸,暴涨: As of 2013 it published three 900-page issues per month.
主编: Ethan Vishniac 因为有几分之一的犹太血统而光荣。