小姚成长日记(九)之Pony Deal

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Pony Deal
A: D, I want a pony NOW! (志在必得)
D: You don't always get what you want. Plus, when you ask for something, you should say... (杀杀锐气)
A: D, Can you buy a pony dei(三声)我 ? PLEASE. (乱了方寸,有英语的负迁移,舌头也大了。)
D: Not now, Honey. (温柔一刀)
A: Can you tell Santa to send one 给我?(开始妥协,长线策略,dei 改成给,自我纠错功能)
D: I am afraid that a pony is too big to get through the chimney. (听起来应该有些说服力)
A: But he can send it in a box tied with a bow. (有理有利有节不放弃啊)
D: Still,you are too young to take care of a pony. (最后一招了)
A: How about when I am five years old? (还在咬着乳牙坚持)
D: Then you are going to K and you won't have time for it. (上K一直是A的短期梦想之一,自己取舍吧)
A: How about 109 years old? (这是A目前能想到的最大的年龄了)
D: Sure. you can.(小样儿,跟我斗,掉沟里了吧)
A: Can I have a pony-ride today?please. (需要个台阶)
D: Not a problem. (安慰一下A的小心脏)