进入缅因州,就看到高速公路边儿上的牌子写着:“Welcome to Maine, The Way Life Should Be (欢迎来到缅因州,生活应有的方式)” 心中为之一动,口中不断喃喃地重复这句话。刚刚从纽约的摩天大厦和城市喧嚣中出来,和缅因的秀丽天然,恬淡悠闲形成极大反差。所谓没有比较,就没有生活,我们文字里的形容词也就是无的放矢。
曾经在纽约和缅因都生活过的作家Christina Baker Kline写过一部同名小说《The Way Life Should Be》,在纽约曼哈顿城市喧嚣中挣扎的33岁的单身白领Angela,厌倦了自己的工作和城市生活,偶然之中看到了杂志上的缅因州广告,接受Acadia所在的Mt Desert岛上一个Sailing教练的邀请,只身来到缅因Bar Harbor小镇,寻找真爱和真正的生活方式。
Acadia是一片美丽的土地,不过,或许并不是最美,和加拿大东海岸Bay of Fundy的好望角惊天动地叹为观止的石林,王子岛充满浪漫梦幻的红色土地相比,并无出奇之处。作为没有计划的旅行,来到Acadia临时花了200美元住在一星级的简陋汽车旅馆。天气也并不配合,那两日阴冷,微雨,虽然可以尽情享受微雨中难得的滋润,朦胧和遐想,可是也错过了在山顶观看日出的喷薄壮丽,在Sand Beach领略阳光海岸的欢欣明快。也因为没有计划,在环山的单行线公路上,可笑地重复了几次冤枉路。
太阳终于出来了,Acadia也恢复了夏日的温暖明媚,我们却该离开了。开在绿树环抱的小路上,灿烂的阳光,澄净的蓝天,LG悠哉悠哉地自言自语:“Random driving, random hotel, random place, random life”. 喜欢自由自在,永远有新鲜感觉,而不是一成不变的规划恒定的生活。这次来Acadia玩儿,纯粹是临时一时兴起,没有计划,没有做功课。自在是自在,却也经历了许多不方便和本来可以避免的过失。你可以说“塞翁失马,焉知祸福”,也可以说“吃一堑,长一智”,或者说“有得必有失”,“鱼与熊掌不可兼得也”,我们老祖宗的文字就是这么奇妙,富于自然辨证和人生哲理。
小镇的悠闲 - I like this type of life style - nice & quiet. Thanks for sharing.
SnowFallingOnWater 发表评论于
叔丁 发表评论于
回复 'Blue.Crab' 的评论 : I like your ID. :))) do you still live there? you are lucky.
叔丁 发表评论于
回复 'tzuuyi' 的评论 : Very interesting experience! Thanks for sharing.
叔丁 发表评论于
回复 '南山松' 的评论 : 我也喜欢悠闲的生活。:)))
Blue.Crab 发表评论于
回复 'tzuuyi' 的评论 : Bar Harbor is a beautiful place in summer as well as in winter. Like many small tourist towns on the east coast, it does not have many people in off-peak season. Not everyone has the courage and wisdom to face and enjoy lonesome. As a long time resident for four years, you may want to stop complaining even if you don't have any love for the place.
tzuuyi 发表评论于
The first time I tried to get a library card in public library and was confused how to select option boxes of long time resident and short time resident. Librarian asked me just one thing: will you be here in the winter? I said yes and she said then you are long time resident.
Maine winter is not as harsh as imagined but one thing is killing us: boredom. Do you know Mount Desert Island has the highest rate of divorce in Maine. It is nicknamed Mount Divorce Island (Desert pronounces like deserted, it is a French world of bald because Cadillac mountain is bald).
tzuuyi 发表评论于
I lived in Bar Harbor Maine for 4 years. What a life, in the summer! But all tourists forgot one thing: there is a season called winter.
Cool as Moose owner actually lived in Florida. They boarded up the store in late October and "unboarded" their store in Florida. Most of the businesses shut their door in the winter and move to Florida. It is not surprising. Do you know even the fish moves south in the winter? There will be ONE restaurant open in the winter in Bar Harbor (instead of 60+) and ONE grocery store (thank heaven) and ZERO movie theatre and ZERO general stores (clothes, book, etc.)