ISIS培养下一代恐怖主义分子从娃娃抓起29 August 2014 “伊拉克黎凡特伊斯兰国”(ISIS)在网上发布的一段视频中炫耀他们所招募的年轻一代以及他们为培养下一代“圣战者”而使用的方法。一名侥幸逃脱的前ISIS招募的童子军成员说,他在13岁时就被招进去了,当时他们威胁会砍掉他的父亲的头。视频中显示,这些孩子们每日早起训练、学习可兰经,甚至学习使用武器。
Forced to watch crucifixions, stonings and beheadings and taught to fire machine guns as big as they are: How Islamic State training camps for children are swelling its ranks with junior jihadis
ISIS - kids training videos- COMP.jpg
#ReturnOfTheJihadi? How social media is using tongue-in-cheek campaigns to poke fun at terrorist group ISIS