“骄傲在自己的种族 - 这并不意味着轻视其他种族 - 也是一个正常的,健康的情绪. 我从来没有把中国人或日本人作为劣于自己的种族,他们属于古代文明。 我坦白承认他们过去的历史是优于我们自己的,他们有为过去感到自豪的权利,就象我们有为自己所属的文明而自豪的权利。事实上,我相信中国和日本越能保持他们的种族骄傲,我就越容易与他们相处。
13th February 1945
"Pride in one's own race - and that does not imply contempt for other races - is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believethe more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them."