What way? Animal way? Could be moral ... humanity ... animal spirit issues ... ;)
海岸天空 发表评论于
guaimaomimi 发表评论于
I didn't read any other articles of yours. And you might be a very good person. But this is a very illogical article and prevents me from wanting to read any other article in your blog.
guaimaomimi 发表评论于
其实产后把自己的胎盘吃掉是绝大多数哺乳动物的做法,一方面是动物自助自救的本能,因为胎盘本身是大补精血之物。- Because they don't have anything else to eat after giving birth.另一方面据说是防止胎盘的血腥气味引来潜在的猎物的注意,就像鲨鱼嗅到血腥味一样。- Hmmm, how does that apply to human in modern societies? 所以产妇吃掉自己的胎盘是完全正常的行为。- it should be 所以 animals 吃掉自己的胎盘是完全正常的行为。
guaimaomimi 发表评论于
西方社会兴起吃胎盘的风气. Really? Could you please post the link to the 纽约时报文章? I'm very curious about it.
guaimaomimi 发表评论于
张纯如 used a surrogate mother. So her depression was not postpartum depression. "没见过这些动物有产后抑郁症的" - how did you draw that conclusion?