Banned books:
Use the title of the banned book that you will be reading for class as the title of your reply.Here is a link to the books which have been banned/challenged--please choose a book from the last five years (from 2009 through 2013).
After you choose a book from the list, write a 5-7 sentence paragraph about why you are choosing this book. If you've already read it, tell about when/why you read it, and describe what you remember about the plot. If you have not read it, what interests you about this book? Why do you think the book has been challenged? In addition, describe your plans for getting this book, and how you will approach reading it. (check out Amazon reviews first,or read it cold with no information; take notes while you read, or after; tackle it over a weekend, or read in stages, etc.)
In American literature class, I read a non-fiction essay entitled “Superman and me” written by Sherman Alexie. I was shocked and also very impressed when I read his sentences in this essay, such as