City At Dusk (傍晚的城)
傍晚 在漫天云的辉映下 开始 迷人
Night was getting charming and charming reflected by the whole sky’s glamorous clouds
暮霞 悄悄 给她 裹上一层 绛橘色的 温柔
Sunset gently wrapped the city with a thin layer of purple orange tenderness
沉沉 瞄了眼 夜色阑珊的 城
Affectionately, gazed the glowing city with the color of night
晚风 携来 那首 极尽 缠绵的 夜曲
Breeze brought that song, lingering in people’s heart foreverly
低低 调着 音量ing
Down and down, Turn the volume
我们 静静 在那 喧嚣的城里 穿行
Still and still we are moving through the city's hustle and bustle
一任 繁华 在车外 汩汩 流淌
Let it be flowing like a river, the bustling street outside the car