回复 '家宴' 的评论 : Thanks for your reply. Keep writing your articles about depression! We wish to learn more.
Actually, so far my doctors still quite confuse my symptoms. Two family doctors all told me their never saw any patients like me, even though my blood test results indicate I am under the post menopause level. I had visited a psychiatry and told him I was extreme fatigue, muscle pain, heart beat fastness and depression. They asked me if I wanted to suicide. So strange!!!
回复 '天边的蔷薇' 的评论 :
Thanks for visiting.
Very true, it took her quite a while before she realized that she may have depression. Even today, I am not sure if she admitted fully that she had depression, although she was diagnosed by her doctor.
家宴 发表评论于
回复 'menopause' 的评论 :
Hope you will get better soon. Be happy.
There are quite a few similar symptoms of these two, I guess. The professional should be able to help. I have a friend she is over 60 and nothing happened during her menopause while others do have difference level of health problem.
I have same experiencing as your friend. Now, I still rest at home. I am 50 years old. Is it depression or menopause?
天边的蔷薇 发表评论于
It takes a while for one to be diagnosed as depression as it does not have any tests to run like other medical conditions. Keep writing about it to make people aware.