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Submit Your College Essay提交你的大学申请文书

We’ll provide a comprehensive review and edits within 48 hours. Guaranteed. 我们将保证在48小时内提供全面检查及修改。

Stuck on your college essay? Or just want a comprehensive review? 大学申请文书遇到了麻烦?或者只是想有一个全面的检查?

Let Admissions Hero's professional team of trained Ivy League essay specialists help. 让招生英雄的专业培训的常春藤大学申请文书专家来帮助你。

Admissions Hero’s college essay editing program was pioneered by one of our founders, a professional journalist published and quoted in major publications such as Forbes and the Wall Street Journal.  All of our essay specialists are Ivy League or equivalent students, who are hand-selected from their peers due to their unique writing abilities — in fact we turn away 60% of all employee applicants from these schools.  Our obsession with quality permeates all the work we do.

招生英雄的大学申请文书编辑项目是由其中一创始人领军,他是一位很专业的记者,他的文章发表和被引用在福布斯和华尔街日报等主要刊物。我们所有的文书编辑专家都来自于常春藤或同等学校的学生,这些学生由于其独特的写作能力从他们同学中脱颖而出 - 事实上,我们只招收40%的申请者。精益求精是我们一贯的追求。

If you are unsure of where to go with a college essay or just want a comprehensive review of a finished draft, let us take a look.  We edit all of our essays in three spheres: thematic content, tone/stylistics, and grammar/punctuation.  Within 48 hours of submitting your essay, you’ll receive a comprehensive analysis of what works, what doesn’t, and what you should do to make your essay outstanding.


Essays Edited to Date 目前所编辑文书的数目

Percentage that Would Recommend Admissions Hero 推荐招生英雄的比率

Essay Specialists on Standby 随时提供服务的文书编辑专家人数

Competitive Pricing 具有竞争力的价格

The most affordable way to guarantee a successful college essay. 最经济实惠的确保具有合格的大学申请文书方式。

We bill each essay based on the max word count of the prompt (for example, all common app essays are 650 words).   After submitting your essay on the form below, you will receive a secure PayPal link to complete payment.  After payment is complete, you will receive your essay with our full review within 48 hours, or your money will be completely returned.


Enter the word limit of the essay to see the price: 输入文书的字数查看价格:

Word Limit of Prompt 准确字数

Cost 价格

Submit your essay below 在下面提交你的文书


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