書出必暴漲,異軍起繁榮,力士脫靴來,雅座留貴人 4 E words

供給.證明.驕傲, why is me who cracked these secrets in these word C-E connection?
It proves that Chinese, especially me who fits better on required qualifications, we stand on a superior position in this area.
It is delayed long enough though, by various barriers caused by asperity and much more, rooted by culture and social change. Those sufferings are beyond your imagination...Soon you will find these findings are worthy. So let the fact speaks out."(


架上宣紙久蒙塵,電腦瀏覽文城。  凡夫俗子一时新。  何時开宴会,招待出國人。  健笔一支谁与似,三千某院精兵。  阵图开向西復东。  昨天面壁者,今日領军人。