又到金秋飘香的季节了, 看着各个饱满的板栗,不禁想起国内街头巷尾飘香的糖炒板栗。在美国没有中国人不会做的,有的就是勤劳致富的双手。
步骤1: 预热烤炉400度
步骤2: 用刀的后面的尖尖在板栗上磕一个直径约1cm的小口
步骤3: 切好的板栗放到装有清水的小盆浸泡
步骤4: 待切好所以的板栗,捞出平铺在烤盘上,下面垫铝箔纸
步骤5: 放入烤箱,烤大约30分钟,可以根据个人喜好调整时间
步骤6: 每个板栗金黄飘香,稍凉即食
Roasted Chestnuts Recipe
· Ingredients: 2-3 pound chestnuts
· Prep Time: 5 minutes
· Cook Time: 30 minutes
Preheat oven to 425 F. Find the flat side of each chestnut and cut a small line. Soak chestnuts into water for 1 minute. Place chestnuts on a baking pan and place in the oven to roast for about 30 to 40 minutes. Peel roasted chestnuts as soon as they are cool enough to handle.Leftover can be stored in the freezer to later stew with chicken.