坐了一天一夜的火车,广播里传来了纯正的甜美的普通话。老公说:”到北京了。” 融晴兴奋地从车窗向外打量这个陌生的城市的火车站。除了好奇和欣喜以外,她更多时候会被一种莫名的情绪困扰。新城市的一切对她来讲都如此的陌生。出门走丢了问路,大爷大妈告诉的都是往东走,往南走。这个从小生活在南方,只认左和右两个方向的姑娘给彻底搞迷糊了。有时候太阳正好头顶上呀,又忘了东是哪个方向。很佩服的一件事就是老公将一环、二环、三环、四环搞得滚瓜烂熟,和他一起出去打车再滑头的司机也不敢忽悠他们。可是她会害怕自己单独出去打车。骑自行车倒不是什么难事,可是那些骑着车在校园里飞奔的豪放男生真的让人恐慌。冬天的雪给融晴带来了最大的安慰和烦恼。从没见过下雪,而且是传说中的鹅毛大雪呀,她的心随着飘洒的雪飞扬。雪停的时候融晴看见了一个银装素裹的世界,在柔和的阳光下发出耀眼的光芒。她沉浸在赞美里,打算出门去接下班的老公。因为走到车站要大约四十五分钟,她决定骑自行车去。为此,她付出了惨痛的代价。由于来往的行人和车辆的踩踏,加上阳光的炙烤,路上的雪又紧又滑。她并不知道在这样的路上骑车不是一个外乡人能够做好的。第一次摔,她几乎不明白发生了什么,还好穿得厚,没有摔痛。她以为是意外,爬起来接着骑。结果后面的场面只能用狼狈不堪来形容了。融晴把一辈子骑车要摔的姣集中在一起,只用了二十分钟全摔完了。她最后几乎是哭着回到家的。这让她开始对雪有了深一层的认识。
Translated by: 北美大牛
As promised at her wedding, Qing would accompany her husband to go anywhere. As
she was leaving her hometown, where she was born and raised, she just could not
prevent her homesickness lingering in her mind. But she is not a person with
myopic vision, she is willing to relinquish all of her friends, relatives and
customs for a better tomorrow with her husband.
After a day and a night of train ride, she heard the pure and pleasant mandarin.
Her husband told her: “we’re in Beijing.” Qing was very excited and poked her
head out from the window of the train to inspect the train station of this
unfamiliar city. She was curious and joyful, but she was more bothered by some
unknown feeling. Everything is new to her in this unfamiliar city. When she got
lost, she asked for directions and the old men and women would tell her to go
east west, this completely confused the girl who grew up in the south and knew
only left and right. Sometimes the sun is right at the top of sky and she
couldn’t tell which direction is east. She admired her husband, for he was able
to know inside out of the ring roads, even the taxi drivers would not be able
to fool him, but she would not hire a taxi by herself. Riding a bicycle wasn’t
hard, but those young men on bicycles flying around the campus troubled her.
The snow in the winter brought Qing both peace and trouble. She never saw snow
and it was really heavy snow and her heart wobbled like the snowflakes in the
air. When the snow ceased all Qing saw was a silvery white world that gleams
under the sun. She was immersed in savory and decided to go out to receive her
husband, who was coming home from work. It would take about 45 minutes to walk
to the bus stop, so she opted to ride her bicycle. She paid dearly for her
decision. The road was covered with dense snow and made more slippery by the
pedestrian and vehicles walking and driving on it. She had no idea that a
newcomer riding in snow packed streets is not an easy thing. When she fell for
the first time, she didn’t understand how it happened. Luckily she wore a heavy
coat and she didn’t feel much pain. She thought it was just accidental, so she
stood up and continued to ride. What happened thereafter could only be described
as disastrous. It took Qing only twenty minutes to fall as many times as she
would otherwise fall in her whole life. She almost cried to home and from then
on she knew snow was something that she would have to reckon with.