她答:“对,不是。” 恐龙一听,冷笑一声,啪地一声把证书朝她桌面一撂,说:“我们只招有北京户口的学生,因为我们是外企。而且在这里工作的大部分都是名牌大学毕业!” 说完,还没等她反应过来,那只恐龙已经趾高气扬地扬尘而去了。融晴轻叹一声,憋着一肚子的委屈,都不知道怎样回到家的。
Translated by: 北美大牛
Translated by: 北美大牛
Qing went to a large job fair and went to a
decent company for an interview. With luck, she passed the written
test. The second phase is to meet the manager. The glass door opened and in
came a female komodo dragon. The dragon, in a haughty air, sat down in the
chair. She didn’t utter a word, no the usual pleasantry and no
self-introduction. The first words she said was: “Let me see your diploma.” Qing humbly presented the diploma to her and felt lucky for remembering to bring it
with her. The dragon opened the diploma and prosed for a while. Then her face
darkened and asked: “Are you not Beijinger?” Qing answered: “No, I am not”. Upon
hearing this, the dragon sneered, smacked the diploma on the table, and said:
“We hire only applicants who are residents of Beijing. We are a foreign
enterprise and most of the employees who work here are students from the elite
universities!” With this, the dragon took off and left her dumbfounded. Qing
sighed and could only endure all the humiliation. She didn’t even know how she
got home.
decent company for an interview. With luck, she passed the written
test. The second phase is to meet the manager. The glass door opened and in
came a female komodo dragon. The dragon, in a haughty air, sat down in the
chair. She didn’t utter a word, no the usual pleasantry and no
self-introduction. The first words she said was: “Let me see your diploma.” Qing humbly presented the diploma to her and felt lucky for remembering to bring it
with her. The dragon opened the diploma and prosed for a while. Then her face
darkened and asked: “Are you not Beijinger?” Qing answered: “No, I am not”. Upon
hearing this, the dragon sneered, smacked the diploma on the table, and said:
“We hire only applicants who are residents of Beijing. We are a foreign
enterprise and most of the employees who work here are students from the elite
universities!” With this, the dragon took off and left her dumbfounded. Qing
sighed and could only endure all the humiliation. She didn’t even know how she
got home.