孤独之旅 (三) 4

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(三) 4



Translated by: 北美大牛
One day, Qing felt bored at home and it came to her that she hadn’t seen Fang

for some time. Fang was a twenty year old girl from the same hometown. Fang

didn’t have much education but she was an adorable and pleasant girl. Every

time she called her name she would be reminded of the song titled “Fang” : “ There’s

a girl in the village, her name is Fang…..”, and the creek at her hometown. She

wondered, so Qing went to Fang’s dorm. She knocked on the door and there was no

answer. The door was locked from outside. So she went to the print and copy

shop where Fang worked. Fang was not there and her boss said she hadn’t showed

up for a week and no one knew what happened to Fang. Fang didn’t notice her

boss for time off and the boss was still brooding about that. Eyebrows knotted,

Qing went home in dismay. “Something bad happened?” she thought, “could Fang

have disappeared?” After one o’clock in the afternoon, Qing was paged and it

showed it was a number from her home city. She rushed out and found a phone

booth. The call was answered and to her surprise, it was no one else but Fang,

whom she thought was lost. But Fang sounded very weak. Fang sobbed and told her

that she almost died. She vowed not to come to Beijing again. Qing was

startled, then she learned that just a few days ago Fang was arrested by the

police who was checking for residence cards. Fang just picked up someone from

her hometown. As soon as they entered their rented dorm, in followed the

police. Upon knowing that they didn’t have the temporary residence permit, the

police arrested them. The police wouldn’t listen to their explanations. She was

thunderstruck and asked if she was sent to Qing He to dry sand and collect road

tolls. Fang said that she was lucky and wasn’t sent there, instead, she was

locked up for a few days, and then put in a freight car in a train and sent

back to home. The most miserable part was that Fang didn’t eat anything for

five days and five nights. She was sent to the hospital as soon as she got off

the train and she almost died. After hearing Fang’s ordeal, Qing’s tears came

down profusely and her heart ached like being stabbed. She recalled seeing the

terrified faces of those country side labors lined up by the roads of the

capital city, squatting down, with their heads buried to be interrogated for

their residence cards. Qing could no longer withhold her lamentation. At the

same time, she felt lucky that she didn’t end up like them. But why should

human beings be treated so differently just because of where they live? They

are the citizens of the same country and speak the same language. Qing opened

her eyes, veiled by tears, and saw a city that is so strange, so callous. A

deep forlorn feeling crept up from her spine to her eye brows.
