
潜水私房N年, 受益匪浅!今天第一次发帖, 希望大家喜欢!

蒜味海鲜意面(蘑菇意面, 鸡丝意面。。。):


菜谱是一个ABC朋友给我的,因此中西合璧,挺适合我们的口味的。 英文的,偷懒, 就直接转过来了。 

Garlic Noodles



1 lb pasta

4 tablespoons olive oil

1 bulb garlic (peeled and minced)

4 tablespoons unsalted butter

2 tablespoons garlic powder

2 1/2 teaspoons chicken bouillon powder

2 1/2 teaspoons oyster sauce

1 tablespoon brown sugar(optional)

5 teaspoons grated parmesan cheese (optional)



Cook pasta according to package instructions or until done, drain, and set aside.


In a pan, saute the garlic with the olive oil in medium heat. Add in 4 tablespoons of butter and turn the heat

to low. Add in the chicken bouillon powder, garlic powder, oyster sauce, brown sugar,and blend well.


Mix noodles with sauce. Add Parmesan cheese, toss well, and serve immediately.


此菜谱是以1LB意面为标准, 可以根据要做的面条的量相应增减配料的量。 也可以根据自己的口味调整配料的量。
我儿子说我越做越像炒面, 而不是意面。所以不可以改得太多啊




