Eviction 日记(2)

十月初,发现房客存了一半的房租到我的帐户里。问她怎么回事,理由也没有讲,就说还有一半要14号付。我跟她说,这次late fee 不能waive 了。是多少多少。她马上发过来一个很长的list 说要修的东西,比如说,地板太脏,要professionally deep clean.  事实上她搬进去之前,房子是prefessionally cleaned 过的。还有toilet 太旧要换之类。我告诉她,需要修的,我绝对回去修,但是upgrade ,我要考虑决定。但这些不是不付租金的借口。如果14号不付另外一半租金的话,就要启动eviction 程序了。 她马上回复说她不需要修了,但是lease 到期不会再续租。我告诉她不管租不租,该修的我会去修。然后跟她约的时间她都不行。

10月14号,房租没有收到。打电话到手机和家里电话都没人接。结果她不小心pocket dial 到我的手机留了voice message, 在跟别人讲她不会回我的电话。15 号早上邮件说14号没办法付,要到11 月1号付,然后付清。不想再跟她玩游戏了,当天就去贴3 day notice.  然后第二天certified mail 寄去notice.  寄完之后,其实应该再自己填张表作为proof.

在等三天的时候,找了一个attorney 和一个process server 公司。自己了解了一下eviction 程序之后就决定用process server 公司。收费比attorney 便宜一半左右。process server 公司动作很快,10 月20号business hour 一过没收到钱,我告诉那个公司之后,当晚就准备好材料发过来。21号一早我把签字的pages 发过去,当天就到court filed case, served, notice, and filed proof.  接着是又要等5天。process 公司把接下来如果她不file reponse 和file reponse 两种材料都准备好了我也签了字。

23号房客又发来repair request, 说bathroom stops up.  不知道什么意思,也不解释。 约好星期六25号10点。因为plubmer 临时改时间,我想改到11点或之后,就再也打不通电话。

27号process 公司去一查,发现她filed response.   我当天就让他们帮我又送了一张repair notice.  repari notice 必须in writing.  delivered as other notice.  这就是为什么25号我没有自己去修的原因。

Nov 1, 今天去修发现她的问题极其荒谬。 下面是我今天修完后的总结。给她发了一个copy.

You and your son told me 4 issues:
1) Kitchen sink leakage and drainage
I checked and drainage worked perfectly.  I video taped it and I also don't see any leakage.  As you also agreed, I am not able to repair something that is not broken.
2) Bath tub keeps draining when taking bath while keeping the stop on
I filled in 1 inch of water and after 10 minutes, the water still there.  If I turn off the stop, it drains perfectly.  You reported that when water over the sensor, water starts to drain.  I explained to you that is for safely that water does not overflow.  I think you understand now and there is no issue with the bath tub.  
3) Soap holder fell off
We sticked it back on and it is now fixed.  Please not use shower for 24 hours from 3:00 pm today for it to dries up.  You can still use tub to take bath.  Please do not use soap holder to support your body weight when standing up as that cannot hold body's weight
4) screw on toilet is loose
we changed to a new screw and also put caulking and adhesive in there.  Please do not touch the screw for 24 hours for the adhesive to dry up.  it does not affect any toilet function.  
As a summary, all reported repair needs have been addressed today.  I asked you and your son, and both of you told me these are all the issues. 