F-35的舰载型式F-35C,最近终于试飞成功,这是网站Defense News Intercepts的一些照片。

F-35C CF-03 turns into the landing pattern to come aboard USS Nimitz. (US Navy photo courtesy Lockheed Martin by Andy Wolfe)

Up in the Nimitz’ island superstructure, spectators crowd Vulture’s Row to get a view as CF-03 rolls out. (US Navy photo courtesy Lockheed Martin by Andy Wolfe)

F-35C CF-05 comes around to line up on the Nimitz. (US Navy photo courtesy Lockheed Martin by Andy Wolfe)

CF-05 rolls briefly on the flight deck during touch-and-go landings on the Nimitz. (US Navy photo by MC1 Brett Cote)

CF-05 rises again during touch-and-go landings. (US Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Eli Buguey)

Landing signal officers (LSOs) watch as CF-05 comes aboard the Nimitz. (US Navy photo by MC3 Siobhana McEwen)

F-35C CF-05 an instant before snagging an arresting wire aboard USS NIMITZ (CVN 68) Nov. 3 during tests off the California coast. (US Navy photo by MC3 Kelly Agee)

据维基手收集的资料,美国几个兵种(空军、海军航空兵(航母舰载)、海军陆战队)计划装备F-35主战机共1763架,不过据更新的报道(说是法新社Agence France-Presse的资料),美国国防部最终的计划是装备2443架。
这是另外一则消息,来自简氏小道(引用国内一与军方有关的网站),中国在最新的一艘056 型(江岛级)导弹护卫舰上,装备成全能反潜配置。说这是第一艘全能反潜导弹护卫舰。