When Las Vegas’ most famous showgirl (Holly Madison of Girls Next Door fame) collided with the Electric Daisy Carnival king (Pasquale Rotella, founder of Insomniac), a rainbow was born —literally. The colorfully named Rainbow Aurora is a burgeoning fashion risk-taker who possesses a kaleidoscopic style. Here, young Rainbow provides insight into her boho POV, with a little help from her glamorous momma.
What’s your favorite ensemble? I love my navy-blue shirt with a cat on it. It’s a great conversation starter. I can just go up to someone, point to my shirt and tell them what a cat says. It’s great!
What are your top three fashion essentials? Definitely a fun hat—those are attention getters. I love sunglasses, too; people seem to think it’s funny when I wear them. My favorite accessory, however, is a handbag. Even if it’s just a small paper gift bag I find lying around the house—my mom is a bit of a slob—I’ll throw it over my shoulder and walk around the house like a lady.
Many toddlers find themselves in fashion limbo— at the mercy of their parents or nanny. What’s your advice for those with less stylish caretakers? Smear pasta sauce all over the clothes you don’t like. No one will be able to get the stains out, and they will be forced to find you something else to wear—something you like!

What pieces make up your core wardrobe? Organic bamboo leggings are essential. They are so comfortable and make diaper changes easy. I also stock up on flowing hippie dresses—I’m a free spirit, and I love the natural look. My favorite type of shoes are sparkly Toms. Papa bought me a gold pair a few months ago, and they were the first shoes I took a liking to. I have them in a few different colors now.
Is there an item your mom or dad wishes you’d never grow out of? My mom had a pink Liberace costume made for me when I was less than three months old, complete with a flowing marabou-trimmed cape. She really liked that one. I know she put it in storage for the next victim … er, I mean, baby.
What advice would you give aspiring fashionistas? Be yourself. When people are slaves to trends, things can get boring.
How do you see your personal fashion journey evolving? I think it will be an adventure. I am artistic and would love to create some fashions of my own. Perhaps I will learn how to tie-dye.
Finish this sentence: “I can’t wait to grow up so that I can borrow …” My mom’s sparkly Louboutins.
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