Is Sex Good Or Bad? (For your Prostate)

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This is a question I'm asked so often that I thought it might be

useful to share the question and my answer with you. As the year

is coming to a close, let me take this opportunity to wish you a

happy healthy and prosperous New Year with as much good sex as

you want.

I wish you good health,


Hi Ben i am 60 years of age and stll feeling horny give God

thanks, How often should a man have sex for the week to keep on

the safe side and not harming the prostate by over doing it?

Cecil Plummer

Dear Cecil,

Is sex good for prostate problems? That’s a question men often

wonder about but don’t always verbalize. Sex is generally

considered to be healthy for the prostate because the more the

prostate is called into service, the more likely toxins are

cleared out through ejaculation. Thus sex may reduce the chance

of developing prostate cancer or other problems. However, there

are other studies that indicate a high level of sexual activity

may increase your risk of prostate cancer. So the question

remains: is sex good for prostate problems and if so, how much is

enough or too much?

Experts suggest that in addition to clearing toxins through

ejaculation, sex may reduce the development of tiny crystals that

are associated with some cancers and enhance the immune

system’s response to cancer. Sexual activity also reduces

stress and quiets the central nervous system, which may

contribute to cancer cell division and growth and overall


According to a report in JAMA, men who reported having more than

20 ejaculations per month were 33% less likely to develop

prostate cancer than those who had fewer ejaculations. The study

defined sexual activity as ejaculation from sexual intercourse,

masturbation, or during sleep. The researchers evaluated nearly

30,000 health professionals, of whom 1,449 developed prostate

cancer. Assuming the men answered the survey questions honestly,

the results indicated that an active sex life is not associated

with a higher cancer risk in most men. (Leitzmann 2004)

A University of Nottingham-Medical School study addressed the

question, is sex good for prostate problems? Researchers noted

that frequent sexual activity (more than 10 encounters per month)

bestows a “small” amount of protection against prostate

cancer. (Dimitropoulou 2009) The same study also found that men

who are sexually active (more than 20 times per month) in their

20s and 30s are more likely to develop prostate cancer,

especially if they masturbate often. However, the researchers

also found that frequent sexual activity by men in their 40s does

not seem to have the same effect. (Dimitropoulou 2009) The

investigators evaluated the sexual practices of more than 431 men

who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer before age 60, and

409 cancer-free controls. Among the men with prostate cancer, 34%

admitted they had masturbated frequently in their 20s, compared

to 24% of controls. The results were similar for men in their

30s. Men with prostate cancer also were more likely to have had

an STD than those who were cancer-free.

Sex is important for prostate health in a number of other ways.

Apart from the potential decrease in risk of prostate cancer, sex

helps to maintain erectile function and healthy penile tissue.

Lack of frequent sex can also result in penile shortening in the

absence of consistent nocturnal erections which may contribute to

self-esteem issues and erectile dysfunction.

Overall, regular safe sexual activity seems to be healthy for the

prostate, for prostatitis, and, in older men, has protective

effects against prostate cancer.  In fact, a higher frequency of

ejaculation is associated with a decreased risk of developing

prostate cancer.


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