"Fear nothing but fear itself. " you are fear because you in the dark. Fear no more, let knowledge light guide your through your landlord way.
Many laws has been written regarding tenant and landlord. They can be found in your county courthouse law library. Take a day, make a trip there. Ask those sweet librarians where to find those law. I'm sure they will be more than happy to help you. Because you maybe the only one they have helped for long time. You will make them feel their job has meaning. This is what I found when the tenan breach the contract. I know I can do a lot of thing about it.

Many laws has been written regarding tenant and landlord. They can be found in your county courthouse law library. Take a day, make a trip there. Ask those sweet librarians where to find those law. I'm sure they will be more than happy to help you. Because you maybe the only one they have helped for long time. You will make them feel their job has meaning. This is what I found when the tenan breach the contract. I know I can do a lot of thing about it.