We can't save all the the abandoned dogs, the adoption center says that they can't keep all the dogs either, so the question is: if we can only pick one dog, what factors we should consider?
It should be the one you like the best with the least trouble both short term and long term. The original video is quite long We managed to trim down quite bit, still the current version is not short, because there is just so much information we received. If you are thinking about adoption, please take the time to study the subject, because it is pretty hard to separate from your dog once the dog has bonded with you.
What special considerations are there for the dogs from the animal shelter? When do you need to visit the vet or have dental work done? Why does the dog pee everywhere? Other issues may be longer term. For example, what will you do if your future girlfriend, boyfriend, or child turns out to be allergic to dogs - you may wish to consider a dog that is less likely to provoke allergic reactions.
This is Part 1, with the first dog. Part 2 will show the second dog. The staff member of the shelter explained everything they know about the dogs.
Rescued dog
abandoned dog
adoption center
Animal Shelter
Kannel Cough
poodle mix
curly hair