回复 '雨中人生' 的评论 :
Nice! You are the best person to say. But can't agree with your judgment on Western internal medicine. We don't want to go from one extreme to another. Thanks for your post though.
雨中人生 发表评论于
回复 'WriteItOut' 的评论 : I graduated from one of the best Western Medical schools from China and got my PhD degree major in Immunology in one of the best universities in U.S.A. also I have good background of Chinese Medicine too.
WriteItOut 发表评论于
回复 '雨中人生' 的评论 :
Wow, another extreme on the other end! "西医的内科理论的确不怎样". Do you have a medical background to say so?
雨中人生 发表评论于
过去医生(应该说中医医生)在病人心目中的地位是高的。为什么现代有那么多医闹,有那么多病人杀医生的事件呢?大家除了把责任完全归于经济利益之外是否考虑过还有其它的因素?。第一,这不能怪医生,医生是尽职的。也不能责病人,因病人的确付出大量的钱财,但是疾病是越治越坏。这其实要怪西医的理论。西医的内科理论立确不怎样。对于疾病,西医认为只要把症状mask了就是给病人治了病。而这mask得长期使用激素或类激素的消炎药或抗生药,最后给病人的付作用是chain reactions。同时要wean off 这些药还不易。若您从这点看,西医的理论其实一点也不科学。但西医的诊断的确是高科技的。西医其实乘下的是外科和高科技的诊断手断,内科学的确不咋的。
回复 'westwind180' 的评论 :
登上《科学》杂志还不叫认可?!难道是满纸荒唐言不成?下面这段话又作何理解:The intent of this section is to provide a means for authors from institutions around the world to showcase their state-of-the-art traditional medicine research through review/perspective-type articles that highlight recent progress in this burgeoning area.
WriteItOut 发表评论于
回复 'westwind180' 的评论 :
但是不是说了吗:however, all manuscripts have
been critically evaluated by an international editorial team consisting of experts in traditional medicine research selected by the project editor.
Science 杂志登的有关中医的文章是北京中医大学和香港浸信大学赞助的。和Science杂志没有丝毫关系,也不代表杂志对中医的认可。下面是杂志的解释:
The content contained in this special, sponsored section was commissioned, edited, and published by the Science/AAAS Custom
Publishing Office. It was not peer-reviewed or assessed by the Editorial staff of the journal Science; however, all manuscripts have
been critically evaluated by an international editorial team consisting of experts in traditional medicine research selected by the
project editor. The intent of this section is to provide a means for authors from institutions around the world to showcase their
state-of-the-art traditional medicine research through review/perspective-type articles that highlight recent progress in this burgeoning
area. The editorial team and authors take full responsibility for the accuracy of the scientific content and the facts stated.
Articles can be cited using the following format: [Author Name(s)], Science 346 (6216 Suppl), Sxx-Sxx (2014).