八 新西兰的诞生地
Waitangi Treaty Ground,Waitangi House, the Mauri Meeting House and Waitangi Treaty
Waitangi Treaty Ground,Waitangi House, the Mauri Meeting House and Waitangi Treaty
怀唐伊签约广场 摄影: 一尘
怀唐伊镇坐落在岛屿湾的高处,湾水格外静谧,风景如画般清新美丽。她的重要性在于它是新西兰的诞生地,在这里毛利人和英国人达成协议,签署了怀唐伊条约 【注解 2 】,最终成为一个国家。
从十六世纪起,大不列颠帝国以强大的航海优势、领先的工业优势和先进的武器优势开始航海远征,入侵占领了世界上很多个国家。今天,世界每个大洲都有英联邦 国家,成员国达54个之多。这些国家最早都是从殖民地开始的。人类的历史是一部战争的历史,是一部征服与被征服的血泪历史。直到此时此刻,这一幕悲壮的历 史剧依然在惊心动魄地上映着。。。。。。
“英联邦” 一词引用维基百科中的文章,这一次我不做翻译,留待读者自己去解读。【注释 1】
1840年1月,威廉 * 霍普森船长到达岛屿湾。他来这里是为了代表大英帝国政府和毛利首领制定建国条约的。
1840年2月 6 日, 43 位毛利部落首领在条约上签字。
新西兰诞生了。这一天被定为新西兰的诞生日。后来,先后有500 个部落首领在条约上签字。
怀唐伊楼 摄影: 一尘
怀唐伊条约原文 摄影: 一尘
毛利会议厅就在怀唐依楼30米远处,毛利语是Te Whare Runnanga,意思是聚会协商地。这是一个非常宽阔的毛利风格建筑,里面是一个大厅,空阔无物,只有两个毛利图腾园柱矗立在正中。以此表明毛利人参与签约与国家的建立。
(1)Commonwealth of Nations
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commonwealth of Nations
The Commonwealth of Nations, normally referred to as the Commonwealth and formerly known as the British Commonwealth, is an intergovernmental organisation of fifty-four independent member states. All but two (Mozambique and Rwanda) of these countries were formerly part of the British Empire, out of which it developed.
The member states co-operate within a framework of common values and goals as outlined in the Singapore Declaration.[1] These include the promotion of democracy, human rights, good governance, the rule of law, individual liberty, egalitarianism, free trade, multilateralism and world peace.[2] The Commonwealth is not a political union, but an intergovernmental organisation through which countries with diverse social, political and economic backgrounds are regarded as equal in status.
Its activities are carried out through the permanent Commonwealth Secretariat, headed by the Secretary-General, and biennial meetings between Commonwealth Heads of Government. The symbol of their free association is the Head of the Commonwealth, which is a ceremonial position currently held by Queen Elizabeth II. Elizabeth II is also monarch, separately and independently, of sixteen Commonwealth members, which are known as the "Commonwealth realms".
The Commonwealth is a forum for a number of non-governmental organisations, collectively known as the Commonwealth Family, which are fostered through the intergovernmental Commonwealth Foundation. The Commonwealth Games, the Commonwealth's most visible activity,[3] are a product of one of these organisations. These organisations strengthen the shared culture of the Commonwealth, which extends through common sports,[4] literary heritage, and political and legal practices. Due to this, Commonwealth countries are not considered to be "foreign" to one another.[5] Reflecting this, diplomatic missions between Commonwealth countries are designated as High Commissions rather than embassies.
(2) “怀唐伊条约条约的内容
- 所以陛下渴望的想建立一个固定形状的平民政府,可以防止避免缺乏必须需的律法制度与邪恶的后果。王后的臣们很满意地授权派我,威廉·霍布森队长去邀请各位联邦独立的纽西兰毛利首领们来同意这个文件和条件:
- 纽西兰联合部落的长官和其他还未参加联合部落独立领袖,必须要完完全全与毫无保留地让给英国王后他们所有的统治权,民权及权力,就是这所谓“联邦的独立领袖长官”据认为拥有的统治主权。
- 英国女王陛下证实与保证各位纽西兰德首领与部落和他们个别家庭及各人,专有的和无打扰的继续拥有他们的土地,渔场与森林地产及别的愿望保留的具有财产。但是这联合部落长官和独立的领袖必须让步给她陛下,他们全部土地专有的先占掌权,所以业主能够使疏远的处理,可以用同意的价钱卖给移居者等人。
- 关于报酬与考虑,英国女王给予所有纽西兰居民所有英国臣民的民权跟特权——签名者:威廉·霍布森,省长陆军中尉。
The actual draft for translation into Maori and dated 4th February 1840 was as follows:
Her Majesty Victoria, Queen of England in Her gracious consideration of the chiefs and the people of New Zealand, and Her desire to preserve to them their lands and to maintain peace and order amongst them, has been pleased to appoint an officer to treat with them for the cession of the Sovereignty of their country and of the islands adjacent, to the Queen. Seeing that many of Her Majesty's subjects have already settled in the country and are constantly arriving, and it is desirable for their protection as well as the protection of the natives, to establish a government amongst them. Her Majesty has accordingly been pleased to appoint Mr. William Hobson, a captain in the Royal Navy to be Governor of such parts of New Zealand as may now or hereafter be ceded to Her Majesty and proposes to the chiefs of the Confederation of United Tribes of New Zealand and the other chiefs to agree to the following articles.
Article first The chiefs of the Confederation of the United Tribes and the other chiefs who have not joined the confederation, cede to the Queen of England for ever the entire Sovereignty of their country.
Article second The Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the chiefs and the tribes and to all the people of New Zealand, the possession of their lands, dwellings and all their property. But the chiefs of the Confederation of United Tribes and the other chiefs grant to the Queen, the exclusive rights of purchasing such lands as the proprietors thereof may be disposed to sell at such prices as may be agreed upon between them and the person appointed by the Queen to purchase from them.
Article third In return for the cession of their Sovereignty to the Queen, the people of New Zealand shall be protected by the Queen of England and the rights and privileges of British subjects will be granted to them. Signed, William Hobson Consul and Lieut. Governor. Now we the chiefs of the Confederation of United Tribes of New Zealand assembled at Waitangi, and we the other tribes of New Zealand, having understood the meaning of these articles, accept them and agree to them all. In witness whereof, our names or marks are affixed. Done at Waitangi on the 6th of February, 1840.