
鲍勃·维斯 Bob Davis 是华尔街日报记者,在该杂志的北京分社四年后近日回到了华盛顿特区. 他1月20号写的 “正确的或粗鲁?一个外籍人士的礼仪指南中国” 简直是在翻陈年旧账,好像时光返回到尼克松首次访华的时候,1972. 我有点不能忍受的是,这不是一家烂报社,而是华尔街日报.

现在真的还有人问你的收入是多少吗? 是不是太过时了?


在他数值列出的三个点,至少我不同意两个:我不知道他在哪儿去得到这样的结论,但我认识的人,真的不关心自己胎儿的性别。 - 我知道被遗弃的女婴...


3) Asking people about their mothers: Olivia said her third example was a joke, though, of course, jokes are revealing of customs. It’s also off-color, so I’ll have to discuss it in roundabout fashion. When Americans are really angry at someone, Olivia noticed, they worst thing they will say is, “— you.” (It’s that word that rhymes with “truck.”) The worst curse a Chinese person would utter would refer to someone’s mother. Be very careful when asking Chinese people in Mandarin about their moms, she advised. A mispronounced word could make Chinese listeners think you’re telling them to do something indecent to their mothers. (That “truck” word again.) Can’t get ruder than that.

朋友之间聊天不可能讲粗口. 打架时也不会真心问候对方的妈. 风马牛 不相干的事. 莫名其妙.

