推行 不是布什 but (8 horse) pursue
不孕與名字 XXX
大腿 膊 背-指-指紋 大腿: 胳膊, 大師 : 博士 擰不過 market
(最 从冃(mào),从取。本义:冒犯夺取) 竟敢冒不韙,無鏡易忘形,常常清舊帳,照鏡免困境 2 jing
飛龍在天--• 【电影】12生肖 Chinese Zodiac Horse master, wishing you a wonderful year^_^ -京燕花园
走马读人: 您不是一般的神秘. 我好几次想弄清楚你的意思但终放弃了. 不光是这里,我在文学城的好多地方看到你的回贴都仔细琢磨过, 始终不得要领 :D , 不管怎么样, 谢谢来听歌! 新年快乐!!! --飞渡
练肌肉比买名牌难. solve"牌plate"字秘密is not play. 走马的卢飞快, 書如霹雳世惊, 稀聲快意穩赢
helped the king to fulfill his great ambitions
吃好是整潔的基本 2 words mini letters used
won self the shining and lasting reputations by maxiaren
red 菱, red chestnut, red China, red army crossed river...
螺丝螺帽 secret found.
螺丝釘長如創造者或官,分十五級等等, 螺帽短如民,被擰的是受管教者"為人民服務",與肯尼迪的"...為國家服務"成對照 Although not a "big deal", still no one ever.
五指握拳增加力度 + 伸出手指增加精度
crawl, tail, snake, alligators, reptile, crocodile, lizard, turtle, ...
中國+ I RR = 鯪, water chestnut 菱
Cleared up may be finished for the moment, but solved is complete. Cleared up may be finished for the moment, but solved is complete.
The state board of education, public elementary and secondary school governing authorities, superintendents of schools, school system administrators, and public elementary and secondary school principals and administrators shall endeavor to create an environment within public elementary and secondary schools that encourages students to explore scientific questions, learn about scientific evidence, develop critical thinking skills, and respond appropriately and respectfully to differences of opinion about controversial issues, including biological and chemical evolution.