1. 12% of Indian population is certainly greater than 10万. So, again, what was your point? 88%疫苗接种率 won't protect the people who were NOT vaccinated. Any difficulty for you to understand this?
2. It's a perfect example to show that 88%疫苗接种率 is not enough for public health. That's partly why California has the most measles cases this time, because the state has the policy that parents can opt their kids out from the vaccine simply based on "personal belief" (usually a misled belief that they form after reading articles like this one). So CA has a 疫苗接种率 lower than most other states, hence higher measles incidences than other states. I posted a CNN link below that talks exactly about this.
- World Health Organization said so, not me. You apparently refused to read any of the links and documents that I provided. Your webID is such a joke, as you're simply afraid of seeing the truth. Or your definition of "truth" only includes the things that YOU believe. Either way, I find it both ironic and pathetic.
"那么不是更好吗" - LOL. Please, find any entry level book about immunology and read it. Apparently you know NOTHING about vaccines, about virology, or smallpox, or cow pox, and I doubt that you have any basic knowledge about biology. Yet you're strongly opposing something that you know nothing about. So, what is your motivation?
And please name ONE person among the alleged "1966年以前也有大量的感染过天花痊愈的病人(照理说应该已经获得终生免疫)后来又重复感染而死呢." You won't be able to name any. Neither can Suzanne Humphries. You are SO good at telling absolutely baseless lies, or passing along ridiculous rumors without even blinking your eyes. I don't blame you for being clueless. But you're guilty of boldly passing on false and misleading information that you know NOTHING about.
3 还不是不明白,Leicester到底是怎么样在停止任何疫苗接种的情况下保持安然无恙的。请解释。
- Simply put one more time, before you can provide any verifiable links to the story that you told and the numbers that you cited, I don't see why it is I who needs to "explain" anything that YOU told.
And, Leicester was just a city in England. Even if it was not largely affected by smallpox in a certain time point in the 19th century due to its effective public sanitation and isolation strategies, how does THAT prove that modern vaccines are useless? How does THAT prove that modern vaccines did NOT greatly contribute to the global eradication of a number of once-deadly infectious diseases. Please show your logic, if there is any.
Please pardon my using English. Typing Chinese is too time-consuming. I do have a job that I need to keep.
Feel free to throw out more ridiculous theories or baseless allegations. I may not have the patience to reply anymore.
补充并更正一下:(and to reply to someone who ironically named himself "尊重事实")
1。世界卫生组织从1966年起在全球大力推广接种牛痘。1967年全球有一千万到一千五百万例天花,到1978年全球天花绝迹。See: http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/a41438.pdf (World Health Organization. The global eradication of smallpox. Final report of the global commission for the certification of smallpox eradication. In History of International Public Health No. 4. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1980.)
1。现在(2001年开始)美国的绝大儿童疫苗都没有ethyl mercury (thimerosal)。基本只有流感疫苗还在用。麻烦你读一下我底下贴的CNN的link"关于疫苗的五个迷思和真相"。And here - http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/Concerns/thimerosal/
2。你说的CDC的数据,我查了一下,是统计的八岁小孩,2000年出生的八岁时自闭症发病率为1 in 88,2002年出生的八岁时自闭症发病率为 1 in 68(http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html)。那针对美国的疫苗从2001年开始不再用thimerosal的事实,我可不可以提出一个相反的假说就是疫苗中含的thimerosal其实可以预防自闭症?
"Most of Wakefield's co-authors withdrew their names from the study in 2004 after learning he had had been paid by a law firm that intended to sue vaccine manufacturers."
See http://www.cnn.com/2015/02/04/us/5-vaccine-myths/index.html
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History Paperback – July 27, 2013
by Suzanne Humphries MD (Author), Roman Bystrianyk (Author)
回复 '尊重事实' 的评论 : “这次麻疹疫情怎么是在接种儿童开始?”,好像这个基本事实就发生着,还会搞错?"Overall, 82% of those infected in this outbreak were not vaccinated, either because they're too young or because they elected not to be, officials said." quotd from : http://www.cnn.com/2015/01/21/health/disneyland-measles/
HVAC 发表评论于
回复 '尊重事实' 的评论 :
1.你把“发病率”和”死亡率“搞混了。"Mortality" rate of measles decreased before the introduction of vaccine in 1963, largely due to the advancement of medicine and public health systems, but it only means few people "died" from it, and doesn't mean that few people got the disease.
According to CDC (http://www.cdc.gov/measles/about/faqs.html):
"Q: How common was measles in the United States before the vaccine?
A: Before the measles vaccination program started in 1963, we estimate that about 3 to 4 million people got measles each year in the United States. Of those people, 400 to 500 died, 48,000 were hospitalized, and 4,000 developed encephalitis (brain swelling) from measles."
Even the article that YOU cited admits that "Measles incidence did apparently dramatically drop after 1963."
Am J Public Health. 2008 February; 98(2): 244–253.
Mercury, Vaccines, and Autism
One Controversy, Three Histories
Jeffrey P. Baker, MD, PhD
尊重事实 发表评论于
看看医疗界是怎么样夸大其辞,弄虚作假的:some truth in regards to the UK measles "epidemic??"that the media has made such a huge deal about..this is just a perfect example why people have no trust in vaccination programs. Can you blame us? This is just pathetic!
"For the entire period 1 January to March 31, 2013 there were just 26 laboratory confirmed cases out of 446 notifications: 10 in January, 8 in February.
And in March just eight cases out of 302 notifications. That is a percentage rate of over-diagnosis and over--otification of 3774 %. Or put it another way 0.027 of notified cases were actually measles ??“-and it is medical professionals who do the diagnosing and notifying. Kind of knocks your faith in the ability of doctors to diagnose a basic childhood illness. And we must not forget the poor man who died - but no one knows what he died of and three doctors did not diagnose it as measles.
But the British media lapped it up - after all - it was a death and you know how they love to wave the shroud to sell their papers in an ever-dwindling market. Journalism - a dying profession in more ways than one"
"Please read this brief article and see the chart showing the number of cases of measles before and after the introduction of mass vaccination in the USA."
The problem is that vaccine zealots want to have their cake and eat it too. They want to fearmonger about how many millions of children (especially babies and young children) are going to die if we stop vaccinating against measles. The problem is that when you tell them deaths from measles had declined by over 99% in the 100 years leading up to the first measles vaccination they say "deaths don't matter, only incidence matters". They will also misdirect when you point out there have been 110,000 cases of measles in England and Wales since 1992 without a single death of a child.
Using the online measles statistics from England/Wales which currently date back to 1940, let's look at the number of people who died of measles per measles cases for each 5 year period leading up to the final 5 years (1960~1964) before vaccination first began there in 1967.
Measles deaths per cases, England & Wales
1940 to 1944: 1 in 471
1945 to 1949: 1 in 808
1950 to 1954: 1 in 2138
1955 to 1959: 1 in 5162
1960 to 1964: 1 in 5776
There is no doubt vaccination plays a role in reducing incidence rates of measles but at what cost? No long-term studies have been done comparing fully vaccinated and fully unvaccinated individuals.
How do you tell someone "this injection can help prevent your child from catching a disease that is benign and harmless to the vast majority of children" when your answer is "we don't know" to a parent who poses the question, "what are the long-term health effects?"
才知道什么是对 发表评论于
回复 'nanax' 的评论 :
The CDC, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development at the National Institutes of Health, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Working Party on MMR Vaccine of the United Kingdom's Committee on the Safety of Medicines have dismissed any correlation of MMR vaccination to autism as baseless.
nanax 发表评论于
Link dismissed between MMR vaccine and autism:
A Brief History Of How People Got Duped By The Vaccine-Autism Myth: