I decided to drink more and brought a 24oz bottle of
ice-cold lemon water. With an additional drink and one
refill at water fountains, I estimated 32oz liquid intake
over the run. I peed twice and was never dehydrated
as each time the pee was colorless. I think I over-drank.
The hills felt tough! I need to blame something or have to kiss
goodbye a good sleep today. What I learned from last week's
workshop helped but having to hold a bottle of water was
distracting. It added a new dimension to my running. OK. I
love challenges, especially when they are private!
Now that I'm stuck with the bottle, I think I should put
more stuff in it to get the most bang for the buck, so to
speak. Honey, syrup, chia, salt, miso, kimchi juice,
whatever. In short, I need to make my own sport drink to
replenish glycogen on the run. Health be damned but, in case
one day I'm a famous runner, I can start a business ;-)
During the week, I read about Joy Johnson via Jurek's blog.
It was amazing. I'd like to die the way she did.
A distance PR at an overall pace of 9:01. Slight PF and
No ITBS Whatsoever. Yeah!
P.S. Last week it took me the rest of the day to recover
from my long run. Let's see how we fare today.