还有比较靠谱的是加入当地的单身父母支持组织。在美国和加拿大都有Parents without Partners的local
chapter. 我虽然没有与这个组织有过接触,但是想到这是个单身父母互助的非营利组织,成员又都是单身父母,还经常有当地的面对面的活动,听起来不错,建议有需要的单身爸妈尝试尝试。可以google这个网站,可以给他们打电话,可以找到他们的当地组织。这个网站的后缀是.org。你有孩子,对方也有孩子,如果走到一起孩子们可以做伴,是件不错的事。只是需要相互谅解、磨合。
回复 'helix22' 的评论 : i married to my husband . he is wonderful good chinese
man. 我先生是中国人。 他是大学运动员, 现在美国一大公司 做管理。 近两年他完成了挑战人体极限的“ 铁人三项” finished time is 11 hours and 38 miniute, beat out 80% white men.
他取的世界三大马拉松 ,波世顿马拉松的参赛资格。i am very proud for him . he is handsome too, never come to wenxuecity to attack women.
劝你有时间 pick up a sport, go to gyms, 跟女人拌嘴吵架 will not make your a good man。
? 看看子女坛的这个comments about “face book” ceo ' 小扎的华人太太
美国长大的华裔女孩都是这样子,个个膘肥膘肥的,黑壮黑壮的。。。赫赫 -
florence001 发表评论于
回复 'helix22' 的评论 : 我说wsn, 冒犯你了吗? my apology.
helix22 发表评论于
回复 'florence001' 的评论 :
You are the one who spares no chance to attack Chinese men on this site. Just look at your reaction to such a neutral piece. Horrible person? Look no further.
florence001 发表评论于
离昏带孩子有怎样,不要把子己看低 ,把男人尊敬的象your god. if a women 独立,自尊,会有好男人来爱。大概不会是中国男人, 但也能是好男人。
子女教育有几个wsn,a few wsw 经常性的恶意攻击国女外嫁,看所有的女人都是可标价买卖 的。婚姻可用金钱衡量。
those are horrible parents . they only let abc boys has less chances to date and marry to abc girls. they are the people should feel shamed and should be blamed.
florence001 发表评论于
我看来如match.com dating website is better than 父母亲朋解绍相亲, at least your dating and marriage is handled by yourself. it is personal things. two person fall in love is not a easy thing, if involved others ,( 4 parents) it is going to be much more complicated. less success.