In my teaching credential class, I was asked whether mathematics is same as math. I think that mathematics focuses on the theoretical study, while math focuses on application. I am teaching applied math other than mathematics in our school. My students just needs to learn how to solve the basic math problems in their future life. They don't have to waste their time on studying some useless mathematics.
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回复 '金碧辉煌' 的评论 :
“0”和“1" 是最特别的数,宇宙就是由“0”和“1”组成的。
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回复 'charlie_us' 的评论 :
jennylin 发表评论于
I like your writings very much! They are very inspiring!
As for the 'fate" of these three students, may I say something, which you may have considered (if that is the case, forget my suggestion!)? You mentioned before that part of the importance of your school is to get them qualified to apply jobs...that is more important during economic recession, while their families may be laid off, etc. Did you talk with them about their specific situation, short-term and/or long-term?
On another side, your current teaching definitely sheds more profound impact in their life. So as long as the first point has been taken into account, go ahead to do what you are doing now.
For the basic metrology, the 7 basic SI unit will be an interesting topics for them to explore. Our fields were specific related to the definition and measurement of time. Every time, when I re-visit these concepts, I felt the excited as much as the first time when I heard it.