zt: 给正在被出轨被离婚的JM的建议 - Do the 180

           (2015-01-25 00:31:37)           下一个
当一方有第三者,你他再好也留不住人的。You cannot compete with a new flame. You cannot nice him back. 只有一种情况可以复合,就是出方悔悟,断一切和第三者的系,付出大量努力主复合 
1.   1. Protect yourself physically: 
2.  2. Protect yourself financially:
lawyer, 清楚你在离婚能得到什么,应该哪些,有个心理准。把家里财产清点一下,以防他财产。可以问问怎么防财产,你在是不是需要把你共有账户里的一半到你个人账户里?万一他刷爆你共有的信用卡跑回国去了呢?要知道你们现在已不是盟友了,是手。Things can get ugly quickly.
3.  3.  Protect yourself emotionally: 
还对他有感情,但是他的感情已在你身上了。You need to emotionally detach from him. Follow this to do the 180: 
180是网上挺有名的,常被推荐有你似情况的人。它不是帮你回老公的,是帮助你找回自信,TAKING BACK CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE.  
You have no control over what your spouse does or doesn't do. You do, however have complete control over what you do or don't do. So, focus on things that are within your control. 
另外网上有很多,你搜下how to survive divorce books”,看下应该对你有帮助。有搜下离婚的论坛,跟其它正在经历离婚的人,或者已走出来的人讨论下,也你的精神有好有可以去看divorce counselor.  发晕段,痛苦不可避免痛苦是暂时的。

The bad news is nothing last forever. The good news is nothing last forever.
