
这两天,无忧同志的天仙太太, 在北京开会,这是自从有了孩子,太太第一次把两个孩子, 全部交给无忧照理,很是不放心。
故此, 无忧同志每天请示汇报, 让太太放心,希望她安心开会,把在北京的事情办好。
太太这次事务重,责任大,见人多,忙得很在北京, 无忧同志得要分担些,你说是不是。爱人家嘛, 你总的有点儿实际行动嘛,光耍嘴皮子时不行的。
From NW’s wife:
Please go to Xiaomeng's dental appointment this Saturday! Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

Reply from NW:

Hi, how are you, Baby?
Xiaomeng's dental appointment is 11:30 this Saturday and Horse Riding is 3:00 this Saturday. It is settled.
Both Xiaomei and Xiaomeng are doing very well. They are very independent and rely on themselves.
Xiaomei goes to bed 9:30 and gets up 4:30, prepares food herself, listen to music and enjoys herself very much.
Xiaomeng goes to bed 9:00 and gets up 6:20, prepares food herself, doing homework 4:00 pm, talks to friends and plays with Ipad. She is very happy.
I am already working now at office.
Take care and send more pictures to us.

Text message from NW to Xiaomeng:

Hi Mengzei

Your dental appointment is 11:30 this Saturday
Your Horse Riding is 3:00 this Saturday.
Everything is fine now.
Sorry for the confusion.(We had an argument about these two appointments last night)

Text message reply from Xiaomeng:
Okay thanks.
