Enjoy Saturated Fats, They're Good for You!

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article is taken from a talk I gave at the 29th Annual

Meeting of the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness in Albuquerque

last week, on the controversial subject of saturated fats. Some

of the slides that I used for this talk are put in here.

The medical

establishment and government health authorities say that consumption

of saturated animal fats is bad for us and causes heart disease.

According to the lipid hypothesis — the label used for the diet-cholesterol

theory of heart disease — saturated fats raise serum cholesterol

levels, and high blood cholesterol causes obstructive plaques to

form in arteries, called atherosclerosis. This pathologic

process causes coronary heart disease and the need for coronary

artery bypass surgery, which is what I do.


and Structure of Fats

Animals and

tropical plants contain saturated fats while plants outside the

tropics have mostly unsaturated fats. Saturated animal fats are

in milk, meat, eggs, butter, and cheese. And tropical coconut and

palm oil contain a lot of saturated fat.

The food industry

makes trans fats. They do this by shooting hydrogen atoms into polyunsaturated

vegetable oils. This straightens out the fatty acid molecules and

packs them closer together, giving vegetable oil so treated a solid

texture like lard. Trans fats are used to make margarine, with yellow

bleach added so it looks like butter. They are also used prolong

the shelf life of bakery products, snack chips, imitation cheese,

and other processed foods.

Fats have a

string of 3 to 22 carbon atoms. The carbon atoms of saturated fats

have a full complement of hydrogen atoms attached to them. Unsaturated

fats lack a full complement of hydrogen atoms. Artificially created

trans fats have hydrogen atoms that wind up being located on opposite

sides of the carbon double bond, which straightens the molecule

out and makes it mimic saturated fat.


A hundred years

ago less than one in one hundred Americans were obese and coronary

heart disease was unknown. Pneumonia, diarrhea and enteritis, and

tuberculosis were the most common causes of death. Now, a century

later, the two most common causes of death are coronary heart disease

and cancer, which account for 75 percent of all deaths in this country.

There were 500 cardiologists practicing in the U.S. in 1950. There

are 30,000 of them now — a 60-fold increase for a population that

has only doubled since 1950.

In 1911, Procter

and Gamble started marketing Crisco as a new kind of food. The name

Crisco is derived from CRYStalized Cottonseed

Oil. It was the first commercially marketed trans fat. Crisco

was used to make candles and soap, but with electrification causing

a decline in candle sales, Procter and Gamble decided to promote

this new type of fat as an all-vegetable-derived shortening, which

the company marketed as a "healthier alternative to cooking

with animal fats." At the time Americans cooked and baked food

with lard (pork fat), tallow (beef and lamb fat), and butter. Procter

and Gamble published a free cookbook with 615 recipes, from pound

cake to lobster bisque, all of which required Crisco. The company

succeeded in demonizing lard, and during the 20th century

Crisco and other trans fat vegetable oils gradually replaced saturated

animal fats and tropical oils in the American diet.


Supporting the Lipid Hypothesis


Cholesterol, and Atherosclerosis

In 1913 a Russian

physiologist fed high doses of cholesterol to rabbits and showed

that cholesterol caused atherosclerotic changes in the rabbit's

arterial intima like that seen with human atherosclerosis. Over

the ensuing decades other investigators did atherosclerosis research

on cholesterol-fed rabbits, which they cited in support of the diet-cholesterol

theory of heart disease.


Heart Study

In 1948, government-funded

investigators began following some 5,000 men and women in Framingham,

Massachusetts to see who developed coronary heart disease. They

found that people with elevated cholesterol were more likely to

be diagnosed with CHD and die from it.

Six years later

the American Heart Association began promoting what it called the

Prudent Diet, where "corn oil, margarine, chicken, and cold

cereal replaced butter, lard, beef, and eggs."

Ancel Keys

Six-Country and Seven-Country Studies

Ancel Keys,

the father of K-rations for the military, published a study in 1953

that correlated deaths from heart disease with the percentage of

calories from fat in the diet. He found that fat consumption was

associated with an increased rate of death from heart disease in

the six countries that he studied.

He followed

this up with a more detailed Seven Country Study published in 1970,

using three of the countries that were in the original six-country

study — Italy, Japan, and the U.S. — and four other countries —

Finland, Greece, The Netherlands, and Yugoslavia. This study further

cemented the association of fat consumption and death from heart

disease, which led to the McGovern Report.



The U.S. Senate

Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, chaired by Senator

George McGovern, released, in 1977, its "Dietary Goals for

the United States," designed to reduce fat intake and avoid

cholesterol-rich foods. These dietary goals became become official

government policy.




and the Center for Science in the Public Interest

Next, in 1984

the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a consumer advocacy

group, joined the fray and started to coerce fast-food restaurants

and the food industry to stop baking and frying food with animal

fats and tropical oils. McDonalds fried its French fries with beef

fat and palm oil. That’s why they tasted so good. But the Center

for Science in the Public Interest's well-orchestrated saturated

fat attack coerced McDonalds and other fast-food chains to switch

to partially hydrogenated, trans-fat vegetable oil.



Adhering to

the now well established low fat dogma, the U.S. Department of Agriculture,

in 1992, published its Food Guide Pyramid. The "pyramid"

arranges food in sections that convey the message, "Fat is

bad" and "Carbohydrates are good." Carbohydrate-rich

bread, cereal, rice, and pasta fill the large bottom space. and

are to be consumed in abundant amounts, "6–11 servings"

a day. Further up, as the pyramid narrows, fruit, which is also

high in carbohydrates, is accorded "2–4 servings"; whereas

the portion that includes meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs,

and nuts is allowed only "2–3 servings." Fats and oils

are placed in the small top portion of the pyramid and labeled "Use



Guidelines for Americans 2010

Beginning in

1980, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Department of Health

and Human Services has published every five years an updated Dietary

Guidelines for Americans. The most recent one, published in

December 2010, recommends reducing saturated fat intake to 7 percent

of caloric intake, down from its previously recommended 10 percent.

Meet the


The USDA dietary

guidelines and the American Heart Association group trans fats and

saturated fats together and demonize them both as solid fats. The

heart association's website has a "Meet the Fats" link

where the bad fats brothers are Sat and Trans — saturated fats and

trans fats. The better fats sisters are Poly and Mon — polyunsaturated

and monounsaturated fats.


Heart Institute, Seattle and Dean Ornish


in low-fat dogma by health organizations, nutrition authorities,

and the government, I would instruct my heart surgery patients to

eat a low fat diet, telling them to cut all the fat off their meat

and not eat more than one egg a week. And following the USDA food

pyramid I did not express any concerns about how much carbohydrates

they might consume, from starch in bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes

and sugar in fruit, fruit juices, pastry, and sodas.

When I was

the director of the heart institute at Swedish Medical Center in

Seattle in the 1990s I looked into establishing a Dean Ornish Program

for Reversing Heart Disease at Swedish. The Ornish Program limits

fat intake to less than 10 percent of calories in the diet, with,

as one study shows, only 1 percent saturated fat. I had a cardiologist

at Swedish accompany me to New York to visit the leading Dean Ornish

Program there. We came back and recommended that Swedish establish

one in Seattle.

I was wrong.

Several years later, after leaving Swedish and rejoining the faculty

the University of Washington, I came upon an article by Dr. Mary

Enig and Sally Fallon titled "The Oiling of America" that

was published in the magazine Nexus in 1999. It stimulated

me to look more carefully into this subject.


Oscar Wilde

said "Life imitates art." He noted that "Life imitates

art far more than art imitates life." In his film Sleeper

Woody Allen plays Miles Monroe, part owner of the Happy Carrot Health

Food Restaurant in Greenwich Village. He was cryogenically frozen

in 1973 after a botched peptic ulcer operation done at the now closed

St. Vincent’s Hospital. Two hundred years later scientists wake

him up and revive him.

Scene from


In a scene

from this movie (shown at the meeting), the two scientists have

this exchange. Dr. Aragon: "Has he asked for anything special?"

Dr. Melik: "Yes. This morning for breakfast he requested something

called wheat germ, organic honey, and tiger’s milk." Dr. Aragon:

"Oh yes. Those were the charmed substances that some years

ago were felt to contain life-preserving properties." Dr. Melik:

"You mean there was no deep fat? No steak or cream pies or

hot fudge?" Dr. Aragon: "Those were thought to be unhealthy,

precisely the opposite of what we now know to be true." Dr.

Melik: "Incredible!" The YouTube title of this scene is


Allen’s 1973 film Sleeper may accurately portray healthy

eating in the futu
re, (available HERE),

Tiger's milk

is said to be America's original carbohydrate-rich, protein-rich

nutrition bar. It was popular in the 1970s and is still sold. I

got this one from Amazon.com (that I show at the meeting). As this

cinematic work of art predicts, in 2173 deep fat, steak, cream pies,

and hot fudge will have replaced wheat germ, organic honey, and

tiger's milk as health foods.

But if life

does imitate art, what about all the evidence that shows saturated

fats and cholesterol clog arteries and cause atherosclerosis?


Against the Lipid Hypothesis


Cholesterol to Omnivores Does Not Cause Atherosclerosis

Plants do not

contain any cholesterol. Animals are the only source of cholesterol,

and herbivores do not eat animal products. Rabbits, being a herbivore,

are not designed to digest animal fat and cholesterol, so when it

is fed high doses of cholesterol one should not be surprised if

the cholesterol winds up getting stuck in any part of the poor rabbit,

including its blood vessels. Feeding high doses of fat and cholesterol

to omnivores, like rats and dogs, does not produce atherosclerotic

lesions in them.

Other Countries

with CHD-Death and Fat Consumption Data

Evidence against

fat wilts upon close scrutiny. In his Six Country Study, Ancel Keys

ignored data available from 16 other countries that did not fall

in line with his desired graph. If he had chosen these six other

countries [on the left side], or even more strikingly, these six

countries [on the bottom right] he could have shown that increasing

the percent of calories from fat in the diet reduces the

number of deaths from coronary heart disease.

22 Countries

with Such Data including four other groups of people

If Keys had

included all 22 countries in his study, the result would have been

a clutter of dots like this.

In fact, it

turns out that people who have highest percentage of saturated fat

in their diets have the lowest risk of heart disease.

Diets in

People with the Lowest Risk of Heart Disease — Masai, Inuit, Rendille,


The diet of

the Maasai tribe in Kenya and northern Tanzania consists of meat,

milk, and blood from cattle. It is 66 percent saturated fat.

The diet of

Inuit Eskimos in the Artic, consisting largely of whale meat and

blubber, is 75 percent saturated fat; and they live long healthy

lives free of heart disease and cancer.

The Rendille

tribe in the Kaisut Desert in NE Kenya subsist on camel milk and

meat, and a mixture of camel milk and blood, known as “Banjo.” Their

diet is 63 percent saturated fat.

The Tokelau

live well, without cardiologists, on three atoll islands that are

now a territory of New Zealand. Their diet consists of fish

and coconuts, which is 60 percent saturated fat.

Like these

groups of people around the world, breast-fed infants in developed

first-world countries also have a diet that is high in saturated

fats. The fat in human mother's milk is 54 percent saturated fat.

The Hunter-Gatherer


The study referenced

here, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,

is considered to be the most comprehensive analysis done on the

Paleolithic hunter-gather diet. Anthropologists have assessed the

diets of 229 hunter-gather populations that survived into the 20th

century and can be viewed as surrogates for our Paleolithic, Stone

Age ancestors.

When they can

get it, these modern-day hunter-gatherers consume high amounts of

animal food, which can make up to 85-100 percent of their calories,

like the Maasi, Inuit, and Rendille peoples. They eat virtually

all of the fat on the animal, including its organs, tongue, bone

marrow, and brain. Other carnivores do the same thing. Lions, for

example, will eat the organs and fat of their kill and leave the

lean muscle meat for scavengers.

Since hunter-gatherers

do not engage in agriculture, they have no corn, rice, or wheat

to eat. They obtain only a low amount of carbohydrates from wild

plants, gathering seeds, nuts, roots, tubers, bulbs, and fruits

from them.

The Human

Diet Throughout History

The Paleolithic

Era, or Stone Age, lasted two-and-a-half million years, beginning

with our human ancestor Homo hablis, and progressing through a succession

of species to ours, Homo sapiens, which has existed for some 200,000


The Agriculture

Age began approximately 10,000 years ago and during this time, through

500 generations, carbohydrate consumption gradually increased. Even

so, at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution 250 years ago,

sugar consumption was one-fifth of what it is today. Now we are

eating a greatly increased amount of carbs in cereal grains, dairy

products, beverages, refined sugar, and candy, along with processed

vegetable oils and dressings that did not exist in our diet for

99.9 percent of human history. During this time the human genome

became adapted to follow a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet. Nevertheless,

health authorities today say that we should do the opposite and

follow a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet.

As calories,

fat and carbs are interchangeable, protein less so. One can eat

and digest only so much protein. When the protein content of the

diet exceeds 35 percent of calories, nausea, diarrhea, and weakness

ensue. These symptoms disappear when protein is dropped to 20-25

percent of calories.


on Ancel Keys

The new social

media of Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube is not only helping to overthrow

dictators and autocratic regimes but also wrong medical dogmas.

This one, titled Big

Fat Lies
(shown at the meeting), exposes the chicanery Ancel

Keys practiced in his work (available HERE).

The Framingham

Study 30-years on

But what about

the Framingham Study? In 1987, in the Journal of the American

Medical Association Framingham Study investigators reported

these two important findings: 1) Over age 50 there is no increased

overall mortality with either high or low serum cholesterol levels,

and 2) In people with a falling cholesterol level (over the first

14 years of the study), for each 1% mg/dl drop in cholesterol there

was an 11 percent increase in all-cause mortality over the

next 18 years. (JAMA 1987;257:2176-2180)


Long-term Findings of the Framingham Heart Study

Then, in 1992,

in the Archives of Internal Medicine, the third director

of the study, Dr. William Castelli, reported: "In Framingham,

Mass., the more saturated fat one ate, the more cholesterol one

ate, the more calories one ate, the lower the person's serum

cholesterol" [emphasis in original]… We found that the people

who ate the most cholesterol, ate the most saturated fat, ate the

most calories, weighed the least, and were the most physically active."

(Arch Int Med 1992;152:1271-2)

Most doctors

have not heard about these findings because medical organizations,

notably the American Heart Association, government agencies, and

the pharmaceutical industry have ignored them. After all, prescribing

statin drugs to lower cholesterol is a $25 billion/year industry.

The Politics

Behind the McGovern Report

What about

our government and the McGovern Report? The YouTube video titled


McGovern Report
" (shown at the meeting) deals with it in

a pithy way (available HERE).

Mary Enig,

Ph.D., a researcher at the University of Maryland, is interviewed

in the video. In 1978, she was the lone whistleblower warning people

about the dangers of trans fats. The medical establishment, government,

and the food and drug industry belittled and ignored her findings

that trans fats interfere with critical enzyme systems in the body

and suppressed these findings for 25 years. As evidence of their

dangers continued to grow the FDA, finally, in 2003, announced that

beginning in 2006 the food industry must display how much trans

fat the product contains on its nutrition facts label. Having ignored

the subject since its inception in 1980, the government's 2005 Dietary

Guidelines for American at last warned them to restrict their consumption

of trans fats. In 2006 New York became the first city in the nation

to ban trans fats in restaurant food.


Fat and Heart Disease

Evidence that

the McGovern Committee did not have in the 1970s is this 2005 report

of European Cardiovascular Disease Statistics.

They show an

inverse correlation with saturated fat consumption and rate of heart

disease. Countries with the lowest consumption of saturated

fat have the highest rates of heart disease. Georgia, Tajikistan,

Azerbaijan, Moldova, Croatia, Macedonia, and Ukraine all have a

saturated fat consumption that is less than 7.5% of calories, which

is what the USDA and American Heart Association recommend, but their

death rate from heart disease is quite high. Austria, Finland, Belgium,

Iceland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and France have high levels

of saturated fat in their diet and low rates of heart disease. France,

with the highest fat consumption, has the lowest rate of deaths

from heart disease amongst these 14 European countries.


Why Saturated Fats Are Good For Us

The Biologic

Importance of Saturated Fat

There is good

reason why 54 percent of the fat in mother's milk is saturated fat.

Cell membranes need saturated fatty acids to function properly

and be "waterproof." The heart prefers saturated

long-chain 16-carbon palmitic and 18-C stearic acid (over carbohydrates)

for energy. Bones need them to assimilate calcium effectively.

They protect the liver from the adverse effects of alcohol

and medications like Tylenol. Lung surfactant is composed

entirely of saturated 16-C palmitic acid, and when present in sufficient

amounts prevents asthma and other breathing disorders. Saturated

fats function as signaling messengers for hormone production.

They play an

important role in the immune system by priming white blood

cells to destroy invading bacteria, viruses and fungi, and to fight

tumors. And medium-chain 12-C lauric acid and 14-C myristic acid

(in butter) kill bacteria and candida fungus.

Saturated fats

signal satiety, so you stop eating because you feel full,

lose fat, and maintain a normal weight.

And, importantly,

eating saturated fats reduces consumption of health-damaging carbohydrates

and polyunsaturated vegetable oils.

Cracks in

the Wall of Diet-Cholesterol Heart Orthodoxy

The American

Journal of Clinical Nutrition is a leading establishment medical

journal that defends the lipid hypothesis. Even this journal has

backed down and is now reporting cracks in the wall of diet-cholesterol-heart

orthodoxy. A meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies evaluating

the association of saturated fat with cardiovascular disease does

not support the notion that saturated fats increase the risk of

coronary heart disease, stroke, or peripheral vascular disease.

And this journal

also recently published a prospective cohort study of 53,000 women

and men comparing their intake of carbohydrates and saturated fats

and found that replacement of saturated fats with high glycemic

index carbohydrates significantly increases the risk of heart attacks.

A Randomized

Double-Blind Trial on the Effects of Coconut Oil on Abdominal Obesity

This trial,

published in the journal Lipids, enrolled 40 women with a

waist circumference > 35 inches. Twenty were randomized to take

30 ml — two tablespoons — of coconut oil a day (Group C) over a

12-week period. The other 20 took 30 ml soybean oil/day (Group S).

The Group C

women taking the coconut oil exhibited a significant reduction in

waist circumference (for the statisticians among us the P

value was 0.005) with no change in the soybean Group S. And the

only thing that the saturated fat-laden coconut oil did to cholesterol

levels was to raise HDL cholesterol, the one that advocates of the

lipid hypothesis call the "good" cholesterol. (Lipids


Eat Fat

Lose Fat

Dr. Mary Enig

and Sally Fallon, president of the Weston Price Foundation, have

written a book titled

Eat Fat Lose Fat: Lose Weight and Feel Great with Three Delicious,

Science-based Coconut Diets
. I highly recommend it. The

fat content of coconut oil is 92 percent saturated fat, the highest

saturated fat content of any food. I now start each day with two

tablespoons of coconut oil.



Roles Cholesterol


What about

cholesterol? As with saturated fat, it is not a villain. On the

contrary, cholesterol is critical for good health. It is an essential

component in every cell in the body. Although few doctors know this,

more than 20 studies have shown that elderly people with a high

cholesterol blood level live longer than do those who have a low

cholesterol blood level.


is the mother of hormones. It is converted into stress and sex hormones,

like cortisol, testosterone, and estradiol, in the adrenal cortex.

The liver turns cholesterol into bile salts needed for intestinal

absorption of fats and the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

And when exposed to UVB rays in sunlight or at a tanning salon,

the skin turns cholesterol into vitamin D.


also is the body's fire brigade. It repairs damage to the body's

tissues, particularly the damage in arteries inflammation does to

cause atherosclerosis. Blaming cholesterol for atherosclerosis is

like blaming firemen for the fire they have come to put out.

Along with

saturated fats, cholesterol is also an integral component of cell


The brain and

nerve tissue contain the highest concentration of cholesterol in

the body. It is a key component in forming synapses — cell connections

— needed for good mental functioning, learning, and memory.

If not cholesterol,

then what causes heart disease?


is an inflammatory process brought on by eating too many carbohydrates

and omega-6 vegetable oils. Stress plays a role and possibly also

bacterial infection.

A deficiency

of various vitamins shown here may also play a role in causing atherosclerotic

heart disease, as may an excess or deficiency of various minerals.

U.S. Dietary

Fat: Animal and Vegetable Sources 1909 and 1985

Over the past

century, butter consumption has plummeted from 18 grams per person

per day to 5 grams. Consumption of lard has dropped substantially

while use of shortening has almost tripled. In 1909, shortening

was a natural product made with coconut oil and lard. Shortening

used today is made out of partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.


of margarine made with trans fats has gone up five fold, and vegetable

oils, more than fifteen-fold. Along with trans fats, these often

rancid vegetable oils are new to the human diet.

A good case

can be made that these changes in fat-and-oil consumption over the

last hundred years are the major cause of the epidemic of obesity,

diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and learning disabilities

in children. Observing the increasing use of vegetable oils during

the 1940s and 1950s, a few physicians, notably Dr. Weston A. Price

and Dr. Francis Pottenger, predicted that there would be increasing

rates of such diseases.


of Obesity among US adults 1950-2010

An epidemic

of obesity has accompanied the adoption of a low-fat diet. With

only 1 in 150 people obese when the century began, by 1950 nearly

10 percent of Americans were obese. Thirty years later, in 1980,

it had risen to 15 percent. Then following publication of the U.S.

Dietary Guidelines and its every-five-year updates, obesity in Americans

has steadily risen. Now two-thirds of the American public is overweight,

with more than one-third, obese. Today the average American weighs

30 pounds more that he or she did 100 years ago. American women

weigh and average 167 pounds and men, 191 pounds.

There is solid

evidence that this epidemic of obesity has resulted from replacing

saturated fat in the American diet with carbohydrates and processed

polyunsaturated vegetable oils.


Consumption and Obesity

The rise in

obesity parallels closely the rise in carbohydrate intake. As Gary

Taubes shows in his book Why

We Get Fat: and what to do about it
, carbohydrates, not

overeating or a sedentary life, are what make you fat. Eating fat

and protein don't make us fat, only carbohydrates do.

The Primal

Blueprint Carbohydrate Curve

This graph,

in Mark Sisson's book The

Primal Blueprint
, compares carbohydrate intake with weight.

Consuming less

than 150 grams of carbs a day enables one to maintain a stable weight.

More than that and you gain weight. One burns more fat and will

lose weight when carbohydrate intake is less than 100 grams a day.

Unfortunately, Americans today consume between 300-500 grams of

carbs a day.

The Epidemic

of Diabetes

Over a 30-year

period from 1980-2008 the prevalence of diabetes more than tripled.

Now, in 2011, according to the National Diabetes Fact Sheet, 25.8

million children and adults in the U.S., 8.3 percent of the population,

have diabetes; and 79 million people, based on their fasting glucose

and hemoglobin A1c levels, are prediabetic.


Diabetes and

obesity go together, so much so that these disorders are now being

called "diabesity". Body mass index (BMI) is the commonly

used measure for obesity, calculated by dividing one's weight in

kilograms (Kg) by one's height in meters squared (Kg/m2).

One is considered to be obese if the BMI ≥30, and morbidly

obese with a BMI of ≥35.

People with

a BMI ≥35 are 10 times more likely to develop diabetes in

their lifetimes than those with a normal BMI of 18.5-25. The lifetime

risk of diabetes is around 30 percent for people who are overweight

with a BMI of 25-30, 50 percent for obese people with a BMI of 30-35,

and around 70 percent for people who are morbidly obese.


Trends and Butter Consumption


of butter has dropped precipitously while cancer and heart disease

has soared. The rise in cancer and heart disease certainly cannot

be blamed on high-saturated-fat butter.

The Health-Damaging

Effects of a Low-Fat, High-Carbohydrate Diet

These books

prove beyond a reasonable doubt that today's chronic diseases, such

as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer are nutritional diseases,

a result of eating a low-fat (mainly polyunsaturated vegetable oil),

high-carbohydrate diet. Alice and Fred Ottoboni wrote Modern

Nutritional Diseases: heart disease, stroke, type-2 diabetes, obesity,

cancer, and how to prevent them
; Barry Groves, Trick

and Treat: how healthy eating is making us ill
; and Zoë

Harcombe, The

Obesity Epidemic: What caused it? How can we stop it?,

Groves, in particular, citing more than 1,000 references, documents

how so-called "healthy" eating is making us ill.

Liquid Candy

A 12-ounce

can of coke has ten teaspoons of sugar, which contain 42 grams of

sugar, supplying 167 calories. A 20 ounce bottle has 17, and a 30

ounce bottle, 27 teaspoons of sugar. The average American drinks

600 cans (56 gallons) of soft drinks a year, up from 216 can in

1971. The average American teenager drinks 3 to 6 cans of soda a


One-third of

our dietary sugar comes from sodas, and they have become America's

number one source of calories.


Disasters that

may confront us can be divided into ones that are natural and those

that are human made. The natural ones range from an earthquake to

an impact event, like the one 65 million years ago where an asteroid

six miles in diameter collided with the earth and wiped out the

dinosaurs, and all other life forms larger than a small chicken.


disasters include political, economic, and martial types, a number

of which Doctors for Disaster Preparedness has addressed. To this

list must be added the nutritional disaster of a low-fat, high-carbohydrate



of Mass Destruction

These trucks

laden with soda pop serve as its weapons of mass destruction.

Health Benefits

of a Low-Carbohydrate, High-Saturated Fat Diet

In addition

to Eat

Fat, Lose Fat
, I recommend two more books that can help

us reduce our carbohydrate intake. One is Life

Without Bread: how a low-carbohydrate diet can save your life

It describes diets that limit carbohydrate intake to 72 grams

a day, which is equivalent to 6 slices of bread. The other one is


We Get Fat: and what to do about it
by Gary Taubes. Noting

that meat, fish, and eggs contain no carbohydrates, he suggests

that you can eat as much of them as you like, along with leafy green

vegetables. (Try chicken salad wrapped in lettuce rather than as

a sandwich between two slices of bread.)

The ideal caloric

ratio between carbohydrates, fats, and protein is carbohydrates,

10-15 percent; proteins, 15-25 percent; and fats, 60-70 percent

of calories, with the majority of them being saturated fats. Among

the different kinds of fats, saturated fats and monounsaturated

fats are good; except for omega-3 and a small amount of omega-6

essential fatty acids, polyunsaturated fats are bad in the

high quantities that they are eaten in a Western diet, particularly

industrially processed vegetable oils; and trans fats are terrible.

Saturated animal fat is best obtained from grass-fed beef and pastured

chickens, along with nitrate-free, additive-free bacon and sausage;

and seafood from wild, not farm-raised, fish.

The Sacred


Healthy milk

and meat comes from contented cows on pasture, eating grass food

that they are genetically designed to eat.

The "Efficient"

Industrial Confinement Model


operations like these produce meat that is too high in omega-6 polyunsaturated

fat and too low in vitamins. It being certified "organic"

is not sufficient. The turkeys in the photo in the lower left can

be sold as organic because they are "cage free"! The best

meat to eat is that which is "Certified humanely treated"

or "100% grass-fed/finished."

The Pastured

Poultry Model

Pastured poultry

produce eggs much richer in nutrients such as vitamins A and D and

omega-3 fatty acids. Like with the turkeys so confined, organic

eggs are produced mainly in barns. One wants to eat pastured eggs

like those sold at a farmer's market.

Three types

of eggs

The color of

the yolk is an indication of the presence of nutrients. The pastured

egg, with its dark orange color, is full of nutrients. The organic

store egg less so. The supermarket egg, pale as it is, would be

even whiter if the chickens weren't fed orange foods and dyes.


Butter vs. Grass-Fed Butter

The butter

on the right was made from cream from cows on green pasture. The

deep yellow color is indicative of high levels of omega-3 fats and

fat-soluble vitamins. The butter on the left was made with cream

from confined cows. Commercial butter like this has artificial color

added to it so the consumer will not know that it is actually colorless.


Enjoy eating

saturated fat but preferably from grass-fed animals.

For further

reading on this subject, I recommend two articles, which are available

online. One is the article that prompted me to question the lipid

hypothesis. The second one is my now more enlightened view on this


I did a podcast

on the health benefits of a low-carbohydrate, high-saturated-fat

diet on the Livin La Vida Low Carb Show. The show's host, Jimmy

Moore, has titled it, "Cardiac Surgeon Dr. Donald Miller Tells

Dr. Dean Ornish to Take a Hike." A link to it is HERE

(and on my website).

Two Books

For those of

you who would like to delve further into this subject, I highly

recommend these two books written by a cardiologist, Dr. Ravnskov,


and Cholesterol are GOOD for You
, published in 2009, and


the Awkward! How the Cholesterol Myths are Kept Alive
, published

last year. These two books are a must read for anyone taking statins

to lower their cholesterol.


of the orthodox view that saturated fats and cholesterol cause heart

disease who dismiss these books, unread, bring to mind George Orwell's

definition of orthodoxy: "Orthodoxy means not thinking, not

needing to think." And Frank Zappa put it well when he said,

"The mind is like a parachute, it works only when it is open."

One needs to approach this subject with an open mind.

Julia Child's

view on the matter

The last word

on this subject should go to Julia Child. It is on YouTube

(shown at the meeting) under the title, 1995

Clip: Julia Child on McDonald’s French Fries


Enjoy eating

saturated fats, they're good for you!

July 19, 2011



(send him mail)

is a cardiac surgeon and Professor of Surgery at the University

of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle. He is a member of Doctors

for Disaster Preparedness
and writes articles on a variety

of subjects for LewRockwell.com. His web site is www.donaldmiller.com


Best of Donald Miller

The Best of Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD


西府来子 发表评论于
回复 '非否' 的评论 : You are right! Please check out the link below:
非否 发表评论于
That's one doctor's opinion. What about the consensus of experts? This article is dated 2011.
He might be right, but we need clinical data from studies carefully designed to answer those specific questions to make a case similar to the reversal of dietary cholesterol restriction recommendation.
Also,correlation doesn't prove causality. Eskimos don't sit in front of computers all the time.
Time to walk the pedometer :)