这两天闺女给俺提出高标准, 深感当妈级具挑战!!!

周无晚学校St. Patrick's 舞会集资, 俺和闺女装扮一番, 到那儿见妈妈们奇装异服, 百花齐放. 俺穿的太规矩啦.

一妈以各种高难动作完成一曲, 独得Parent Solo Dance Winner. 闺女羡慕之及, 曰"Mommy, you need to be active. You need to learn to jump, flip and all kinds of actions."


今天下午是girls hockey parents vs. girls game, 也是本季最后一场比赛. 全队除俺家以外, 其他家长都装备出场, 一个妈也上场以补俺家的空. 闺女又发话了"You guys should try to play hockey. It is not that hard. Remember what you told me? Don not give up easily, just keep trying."

当妈容易吗? 鸭力山大呀!
