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在一些我身心疲惫的夜晚,我会拜托儿子给妈妈唱一首“摇篮曲”- 随便什么歌他正喜欢的,或是我喜欢的。大多时候儿子会贴心地地唱上一首,或几首歌.当然也有被拒绝的时候。

他唱着我们共同喜爱的歌,我躺在黑暗中,静静地聆听着。 他的歌声像清亮的泉水流过我积攒一天的疲倦,令我我布满灰尘的内心充满了幸福。


那时候我们唱的是《听妈妈讲那过去的事情》,记不得名字的一首东北摇篮曲,唱《小燕子》,还有《我是公社小社员》,《我在马路边捡到一分钱》,竟 然还有《我的祖国》,《二月里来》之类的。唯一一首真正的摇篮曲是 那首舒伯特的《摇篮曲》,还是大学时从我的一位家在音乐学院的同学那儿学来的,也是我最爱的一首:

睡吧 睡吧 我亲爱的宝贝,


睡吧 睡吧 我亲爱的宝贝,



睡吧 睡吧 被里多温暖。

睡吧 睡吧,我亲爱的宝贝,




而像《小燕子》,《茉莉花》这样朗朗上口的名曲也是孩子在那时候就学会了。有时候我们驱车之际,一起唱着这些歌。那些过去的 美好时光,在我们的歌声里静静流淌。

在过去的这个周日的晚上,儿子为我唱的是惠特妮的 《One moment in time》。 原来这首歌是88 年汉城奥运会的美国队歌。难怪那么励志呢。

惠特妮这首高亢悠扬的歌现在被一个青涩少年的声音在我耳边轻轻却仍充满感情地演绎着。孩子,你知道吗,你的歌声好像寒冬的阳光,炎夏的清风。 那日益浑厚饱满的声音如此温暖,优美。



《One moment in time》

each day i live

i want to be a day to give the best of me

i'm only one,but not alone

my finest day is yet unknown

i broke my heart for every gain to taste the sweet

i faced the pain

i rise and fall, yet through it all

this much remains

i was one moment in time

when i'm more than i thought i could be

when all of my dreams are a heartbeat away

and the answers are all up to me

give me one moment in time

when i'm racing with destiny

then in that one moment of time

i will feel, i will feel eternity

i will live to be the very best

i want it all, no time for less

i've laid the plans

now lay the chance here in my hands

give me one moment in time

when i'm more than i thought i could be

when all of my dreams are a heartbeat away

and the answers are all up to me

give me one moment in time

when i'm racing with destiny

then in that one moment of time

i will feel, i will feel eternity

you're a winner for a lifetime

if you seize that one moment in time

make it shine

give me one moment in time

when i'm more than i thought i could be

when all of my dreams are a heartbeat away

and the answers are all up to me

give me one moment in time

when i'm racing with destiny

then in that one moment of time

i will be, i will be, i will be free