打造全套行头:Outfits without accessories are not complete

I would like to present some craft projects of my own.
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我"做"这个帖子真的很久很久了。从小小的水钻开始贴,到在缝纫机前大胆地缝个边,这其中只有乐趣。我经常把自己闲暇时候改造的东西叫做"昙花",那多心思,那多功夫,只为它一时的绽放。只为心中灵感出现的那一刻悸动,为了能亲手摸摸,亲眼看看,这个灵感到底是怎样的。 最让人高兴的是,经过这么久的改造,前前后后近两年多,我居然还能把自己装进去!LOL:))

1.Dark green trumpet shape gown
Major change: This emerald green (dark green) trumpet shape gown has rich green color covered with black lace. A piece of silky veil was sew on from the shoulder to the rim of the dress. I removed the silky veil on the top, so the sheer fabric at the end can reveal the back. From the waist, the dress is split, and insert the remaining veil. So the bottom of the dress can be open and allow large movement of the legs.

Six flowers and rhionestone were added to make it sparkle.

1a. Transition

1b. After, details

1c. Arm band? Served on a silver platter

2. Red-beaded fringe dress
Rhionestones were added to the rim of each layers. Also added are red lace with white stones, and the stoned shoulder strap. The fabric on the bottom rim were remove to show more legs:)

2a. Overall

2b. Details on the dress

2c. Nothing more fun than some feathers!
