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国际货币跨境支付的主要系统是欧美金融网络SWIFT(全称Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication,中译环球银行金融电信协会)。你要是不知道,这是西方控制世界最主要、关键的机构、网络之一,其效力可以与西方军力媲美【注1】。这是美元垄断的一个基本组成部分。

举个例子。美元是目前世界贸易的结算货币,国际交易、贸易,从商品到投资(资金移动),都以美元为合约的基础。成交后,付款非得经过环球银行金融电信协会转账不可,首先美国国安局就在这插了一手了,什么都躲不过。其次,因为是美元结算,非得由美国央行(联储)认可,结果,所有账目必须上交纽约联储记账,这次,不用国安局,美国就知道了。美国要制裁,不让过境就行了。美伊因核能闹僵后,美国欧洲压力下,环球银行金融电信协会基本把伊朗断了,除了正式的,联合 国批准的经济制裁外,伊朗连通过支付美元从它国购买其它商品都不成,有几次只好用“货货兑换”这原始方式了。



英国卫报:2014.06.30BNP Paribas' $8.8bn fine shows it's time to break up the banks

尽管法国政府也干预了,要求美国让步,但最终法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)还是难逃毒手(The Justice Department has announced a deal with French bank BNP Paribas to pay up to $8.8bn to settle charges that it hid $30bn in transactions that violated US sanctions against countries like Iran and Sudan.),据小道说,因为巴黎银行的账目都经过纽约联储,给逮了个正着。


独家:中国人民币跨境支付系统准备就绪 料在年底前推出

路透香港3月9日 - 三位熟悉情况消息人士对路透表示,备受期待的中国人民币跨境支付系统(CIPS)已经准备就绪,可能最早在9月或10月推出。该系统将促进人民币在国际支付中的使用。





德国明镜报:'Follow the Money': NSA Monitors Financial World


塔斯社2015.01.27:Russia to respond to possible disconnection from SWIFT — PM(Medvedev)

金融时报2015.01.23:Russian banker warns west over Swift

彭博2014.10.06:SWIFT Rejects Pressure to Block Russia, Israel From Its Network




路透社英文:Exclusive: China's international payments system ready, could launch by end-2015 - sources

Currently, cross-border yuan clearing has to be done either through one of the offshore yuan clearing banks in the likes of Hong Kong, Singapore and London, or else with the help of a correspondent bank in mainland China.

"Misunderstandings under the current clearing system happen from time-to-time due to different languages and codings. The CIPS is a breakthrough since it will offer a united platform and enhance efficiency," said Raymond Yeung, an analyst at ANZ in Hong Kong.

The launch of CIPS will enable companies outside China to clear yuan transactions with their Chinese counterparts directly, reducing the number of stages a payment has to go through.

"This is a big development for the small and medium enterprise sector operating in China as their correspondent banks can now access a wider network for settling payments in yuan, leading to lower costs," said the head of treasury solutions at a large European multinational company based in Hong Kong.

For large international companies, CIPS will remove operational inefficiencies as companies will no longer have to worry about ensuring yuan transactions are processed at certain times of day, as they do now, he added.

China's yuan became one of the world's top five payment currencies in November 2014, overtaking the Canadian dollar and the Australian dollar, according to global transaction services organization SWIFT.

Global yuan payments increased by 20.3 percent in value in December compared to a year earlier, while the growth for payments across all currencies was 14.9 percent for the same period, SWIFT said.

China has accelerated the pace of yuan internationalization in recent years. The central bank assigned 10 official yuan clearing banks last year, bringing the total number to 14 globally that can clear yuan transactions with China.

The People's Bank of China was not immediately available for comment when contacted.

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