对大女儿的专业和职业选择,蔡美儿这次180度的大转弯,表示绝不干涉。《虎妈战歌》虽然赚足了稿费和名气,但蔡美儿几乎成了虐待儿童的代名词。绝大多数美国人都谴责她,尽管她表面上故作镇静,但小女儿露露披露“我妈进入了抑郁瘫痪状态”(it sends my mom into paralyses of depression, actually)。
所以“虎妈”现在至少表面上也很美国化了,她象大多数普通的美国人一样,说:“(对索菲娅参军的决定)我们一开始都惊呆了,但她决定服务我们的国家,我们没有什么比这更骄傲的了。” (We were stunned when she first told us, but now we couldn't be prouder that she wants to serve our country.)
One more point: it depends on IF the kid has potential (and gene plays big role).
This is based my experience with my two kids (biological one and adopted one) and kids of my sister/brothers. My two kids are on the two opposite ends of "the Bell Curve".
痛快一回 发表评论于
Undergraduate admission is NOT based on majors or minors. In fact, most student doesn't even know what majors or minors they want to pursue at the time of application.
At the start of school, academic advisers help student to choose a direction of study. Students can always change their minds in the undergraduate years.
Being accepted to Harvard is a great recognition of the prior efforts and talents. Congratulations!
pltc63 发表评论于
lasha07 发表评论于
Joy4Life 发表评论于
回复 '沉鱼' 的评论 : Agree! Ying and Yang have to be balanced!