Girl calls off wedding after boy refuses to put up picture of their hands showing engagement rings as Facebook cover
New Delhi. Rohini resident Priya called off her wedding after her fiancé refused to put up the picture of their hands showing engagement rings as his Facebook cover picture.

And the journey begins officially.“I had been waiting for months to get engaged so that I along with my fiance could change our cover pictures to the one of our hands showing engagement rings. I was elated when I could finally do it. I changed my cover photo within an hour of getting engaged but he refused to do it.”
“He felt that his bungee jumping picture was just fine on the cover! I am glad this happened before the wedding or else I would have ended up with a boring and incompatible guy,” remarked Priya.
Sociology experts have reported that changing cover pictures to the ones showing engagement rings has evolved as an important ritual among netizens in the past couple of years and no engagement is considered complete without doing so.
A mushy caption is also an integral part of the ritual.
Meanwhile, the boy, Nitesh, has reportedly deactivated his Facebook account to recover from the shock as most of his male friends were commenting with phrases like “ROFL” and “tera to kat gaya be” on his Facebook wall.