Clear viewing opportunities were restricted by the cloud cover that shrouded much of the country but David Cook from Blackburn, England, managed to capture the moment a plane passed across the sun during the initial stages of the eclipse. (From BBC.co.uk)
今天碰上难得一见的日食。大人小孩都好 兴奋。
接了小犇之后,他就叽叽喳喳的说个不停。问他知不知道日食怎么回事,他说:月亮把太阳挡起来了,太阳说:Bye bye, Earth!然后就高高兴兴地找其他planet玩去了。玩了一会儿,太阳回来了,日食就没有了。

Rebecca Beevers from Rugby, England, opted to observe the eclipse using the projection method - her pinholes marking out the date 20 March 2015. (From: bbc.co.uk)