100d 挑战 D37 Keystone habit

The way

Be it fear, be it despair

Once you got hold of something

You will find a way to melt your hard core

And nurture the strength to carry on

It is always easy to sink

But  you have to swim to survive

The beginning is almost the most difficult step

When you are on the road

The vastness will provide you room for thought

While battling with the physical pain

you will start fighting the pain within your heart

It is a pilgrimage alone

You can always quit

And you can always start again

The wilderness is always there

Wild and true


I wrote the above after we watched the movie <Wild>.

After leafing through several books about the power of habit and how to change a habit, I was so impressed with the effect of Keystone habit. A keystone habit will transform people's identity, and lead to better performance and appearance. A keystone habit will contribute to the butterfly effect and ripples into every aspect of your life, and make it better.

Excercise, or meditation, or reading, writing, all can be a keystong habit. Try to incorporate small changes into the old routine and the new reminder-reaction-reward loop will reinforce the new habit. It is amazing how unconscious we can be at certain bad habits, and how change begine when you start your little chat with the Giant enemy who hides within.

Quote for today: Plant the right seed in the right spot, it will grow without coaxing. --BJ Fogg
