烙饼之王--旋饼: 姥姥留下的美味

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旋饼和烙饼看起来都是饼类,但旋饼与烙饼做法不尽相同,口感更是不同。喜爱面食的美食爱好者随便一口便能尝出其不同。就象拉面和手擀面条的不同,前者需要对面食原料的理解,身心的投入,以及对火候的掌握调节。后者只需力气和适当的水面比例。旋饼的特点是外焦里嫩,把酥松香脆和柔润巧妙地合为一体。 烙饼的特点是筋道可口。事实上,会做旋饼的人完全可以做出各种各样的`烙饼,但天天做烙饼的人不一定可以做出一张像样的旋饼。




Ingredients (for 12 pieces): 

1. 3 cup all-purpose flour 500g

2. 1/3 cup cold water + 1 cup boiling water + 1 
tablespoon oil (total water is about 330g) 

3. 3 teaspoon salt

4. 4 tablespoon oil


1. Add flour and 1 cup boiling water into flour mixture, mix them well

2. Add 1/3 cup cold water ,
tablespoon oil into mixture combine to form dough, relax 30 min.

3. Take dough out of bowl on a floured surface knead it well and cut it into three pieces. 

4. Took one piece press down it into about 0.2 cm thick flatter circle. Scatter surface with 2 tsp oil and 1/2 tsp saltfigure1. Roll it up to form a log (figure 2). 

5. Cut the log into four pieces (figure 3). Took them one by one, roll and coil every piece up to form a disc (figure 4). Cover with plastic wrap and let it rest for 1 minutes

6. Roll out discs into four 15-cm circles. 

7. Repeat step 4 to 6 for another two pieces of dough.

8. Heat the pan in 310 oF. Place them in a non-stick pan coated with 1/2 tbsp oil. Cover with a lid until golden. Turn it over, add 1/3 tbsp oil and cook for about 2-3 minutes until golden.

9. Increase 
the pan temperature to 350 oF add 1/3 tbsp oil cook each side about 30 seconds to let surface crispy.

10.Took out from pan, and put four pieces into a dish, Shake them to loose. (figure 5)


星月兼程 发表评论于
我家厨房 发表评论于
回复 '云上的熏衣草' 的评论 : 多谢指正。应是1/3 cup.
Bounty 发表评论于
云上的熏衣草 发表评论于
多谢。有个疑问,ingredients 2说要1/3 cup of cold water. direction 2 说加1/3 tbsp cold water. 以哪个为准?谢谢。
潜水姐 发表评论于