陆瑞秋是北加州一个普通的九年级学生,看上去弱不禁风的她从小喜欢运动,足球篮球都打得很好。平时喜欢摄影和写作。可是一个加州硅谷的中学生怎么会写一本关于二战中德国纳粹集中营的故事呢? 喜欢刨根问底的瑞秋从六年级就对探索这个问题感兴趣。和大部人一样,瑞秋开始也以为被关进纳粹集中营里的都是犹太人。直到她开始大量阅读关于纳粹集中营的书,才发现里面关的不仅有犹太人, 还有吉普赛人,残疾人,同性恋者,社会民主党人和共产党人等。这个发现使得她产生了一种要把这段黑暗的历史写成一个故事的冲动。
经过一年多的努力,"Every Act of Mankind" 终于出版了。它描写了一个普通德国家庭中的姐妹俩在纳粹集中营里的故事。“我想让人们知道希特勒为了 ’高尚纯种的’ 雅利安人之外不同的人设立了很多不同的集中营。”瑞秋说“想让大家知道普通德国民众的看法。”
关于二战中普通德国家庭儿童的书不是很多,瑞秋的书使我第一次思考德国普通家庭在二战中是个什么情形。有兴趣的叔叔阿姨去Amazon 订一本支持一下小作者。也可以到当地书店买到,或者到我这里订一本小作者签名的书。你们家的小朋友或许因为读了此书而增加对欧洲史的兴趣。
此书在Amazon, Barnes andNoble 和当地书店可以买到。也可以从作者处买到有作者签名的书(订书方式:1)US: $14, PayPal: johnapexnc@yahoo.com orsend email to get the address to write a check.
Young authorRachel Lu releases her debut novel
"Every Act of Mankind"chronicles one woman’s courageous flight duringNazi Germany
MOUNTAIN VIEW,Calif. – As someone who has always beeninterested in World War II, author Rachel Lu never knew that notall who were put in the concentration camps were Jewish people.There were gypsies, political figures and communists. Thisdiscovery inspired her to weave a tale that revisits this darkperiod of history. Her new publication, “Every Act ofMankind,” (publishedby Xlibris) will gripreaders’ hearts.
Set in 2003, this book goes back intime to follow the memories of Kerstin in 1941, a survivor of NaziGermany. In an attempt to protect her mentally handicapped sisterErin, perfectly sane Kerstin is sent to the hospital along withErin. The experiences she has while there, and later during thewar, change her life forever. To cope with her haunting past, shesees a shrink who advised her to write her troubles down. As shebegins the painful yet liberating process, the story of her pastunravels with it, along with her thoughts, her secrets and herguilty conscience.
“I want readers to know that therewere different camps set up for different people who Adolf Hitlerdid not envision in his the Aryan “master” race,” says Lu. “Also, Iwant them to know that the German citizens had different viewpointson this.”
A compelling yet poignant read,“Every Act of Mankind” takes readers into a woman’s tragic journeythrough the darkest period of the 20th century,letting them glimpse a different perspective of Nazi Germany andthe horrors people at that time experienced.
Available at Amazon and Barnes &Noble
About the Author
Rachel Lu was born in North Carolinaand raised in the Bay Area. She is 14 years old. She writes in herfree time and devours books with equal ferocity. She enjoys playingbasketball at her school and outside of school. She lives with hermom, dad and younger sister. She has an older brother, but he isaway in college. She looks forward to writing more books in thefuture.